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Posts posted by Rocket

  1. Thats the only way he'd get that antique here...THERE ISN'T ENOUGH DUCT TAPE MADE FOR HIM TO CARRY ALL THOSE SPARE PARTS HE'D NEED FOR THE RIDE HERE...(ps Steamer...we need to get this newbie in line fast before he believes all this first gen faster and better stuff). And someone should tell him that the new guy buys ice cream for everyone..................:fnd_(16): :fnd_(16):


    Tom, I didn't use much in the way of parts, during the 10,000 mile trip last summer. I did better than expected as the 86, had a total of less than 600 miles since buying it & starting on the trip. Also you provided the ice cream for Grump & I. :duck:


    All clutch parts ordered while in Ontario & shipped to Big Tom's. New clutch spring & friction plates for the 86 @ Big Toms (noticed some minor slippage while hauling the trailer). New friction plates on the 83 @ Muffinman's (probably due to trying the motorkote previously). Played with colourtune & sync also while with the Muffins.


    Oil changes on both scoots while @ Venturious & straighten sidestand bolts, after Randy decided to check them. I still should order new ones, too. Picked up new rear tires in Cody (thanks again Kurt for allowing me to get them delivered to you), as I ordered them while in SC @ Grump's brothers place. Changed out the rear tire on the 86 in Wainwright (before heading the direction of home), as I have never run a tire that low before & I was hauling a trailer. Changed out the rear tire on the 83 in Oct, as Grump is back riding his 750.


    Too bad the battery didn't act up, on the 83 while in the states, as the Deka is twice as much up here $$ (before taxes).



  2. grand prize a banana? at your house i would have thought an ice cream cone would have been in order, but glad to hear you and yours had a wonderful Christmas, steve



    I would have thought, he would have previously cleared out the remaining bananas, from the Icelandic members visit. :stickpoke:

  3. You will probably need to call Garmin, because your download of maps will be for the serial # on your old unit and will not recognize nor load to your new unit because of a different serial #.




    My map download was for the relpacement unit, as garmin had changed the unit serial # in my profile. While I was there, they also transferred my waypoints to the new unit.


    I was at the US Garmin service centre for less than an hour, but spent over 6 hours downloading the map set via a wifi connection at the motel 6 Grump & I stayed at. This was during our big trip this last summer, between Wrongway's & the Cody International.


    So the OP of this thread should just have to download a new map set, as the new serial # should be on his profile, in place of his old one. :2cents:

  4. count 'em up folks ... we are gaining on ya .... :banana: :banana:


    hey Rocket ... do I see a Wing in your future? :confused24:


    Maybe in a few decades, the 1st gens might be worn out by then ............... :mo money::mo money::mo money:

  5. I have a page that shows me all the Ventures up for sale on E-Bay. Lately therer have been a lot more 2nd Gens than 1st Gens. Guess they are finally getting tired of the Imitation Ventures.....:whistling::whistling:


    Yup, they are heading to the newer, next best thing to the 1st gen, the 1800 wing....... :stirthepot:


    After all, look at the wingnuts we have over here, like Eck, SilvrT, for a couple of examples. :stickpoke:

  6. Oil!! Just change it as you should. That is the most important thing. Use a good brand without friction modifiers. I have been using Castrol 20/50 since the early 60's. Off the shelf at Wally World. Never had a oil related problem. I won't pay the prices for motorcycle oil. I have other things to waste money on.


    I run 40 front 42 rear in tires. Running at max called for on sidewall is best way to go with most. Tire pressure is important in handling.


    NGKs the book calls for are great plugs. You can spend a lot more but I'm not sure you gain anything. A C plugs also work well and at a buck and a half hard to beat for quick tune up. NGKs seem to last better.


    You do need a tool to remove bolts in bottom of tubes to do seals and I can't remember right now. It might be in our tech library.


    Progressives?? Again I don't remember who I got them from. Do a search for them or somebody should know.


    Yup, a so called contractor, aside from Ebay. :duck:


    I'm usually about 2 PSI below max pressure, as well.


    I use the NGK DPR7EA9 (slightly hotter for doing a lot of short trips).


    10MM allen bolt holding the damper rod in place (from the bottom). 15/16 headed bolt, that is double nutted, to hold damper rod still for re-assy (best to weld bolt, nuts & socket together if not pulling fork tubes, for work).


    Dennis Kirk, M.A.W. amongst others for the progressive fork springs. :mo money:

  7. Holy Cow.........


    Its a Christmas miracle. The photos magically showed up.


    I take back all my yelling and screaming. (Woof Woof Grrrrrrrrrrrr)


    Ok, we don't need to send Evan over to try & teach you.


    But maybe he should come over & see if there is any normal food at your place & not just all dog food & treats. My TO. Stalker better go with Evan as well, to help sample things. Burppppppp.



  8. I too have read the article on cleaning carbs with Pine-Sol.

    It had pictures too.

    The carbs looked great after the cleaning. They looked sparkling bright.

    Not to sure about the inside.

    I think it was a 50/50 mixture and they sat for a while..... like 48 hours or something like that.


    I should go and find that article again or if someone knows where it is please post a link.





  9. I had these pictures saved on my hard drive, i think I probably saved them from this site, but I cannot find them in the gallery.


    I really really like this color, I'd like to ask the owner what color this is.


    Saltcreep, you should see what the scoot looked like in 2006, after taking out a deer. Pics in my profile gallery. BTW I rode it home (1,000 miles) 1.5 months after impact.


    Yup, that's Rocket's rig after the new paint job.




    Yup, Gary & I finished it a few days before the P.I.P. meet. Where Steve was there, amongst the other BSers. :thumbsup2:


    Bubber was just a Sh**er, as he kept a porta potty mostly to himself, that weekend. It could be said, that Bubber was full of it that weekend, even though he didn't feel good at all. :duck:


    I should put some of these in my profile gallery.

  10. come on guys/gals its kinda sad when a visitor (annie) has more colored in states then most,including my self, then we do and i'm not meaning anything against her, lets ride these bikes more and see our great country


    Yup, Grump & I racked up the mileage on the scoots, last summer as well. :canada:

  11. I have an oppurtunity for a cross country ride from (San Jose)California to (Baton Rouge)Louisiana in april. Do you think an '83 Venture can make that trip? My bike has no issues right now and i do have some spare parts (TCI, voltage regulator, and CMS etc.) that would join me on the trip.

    My bike has around 46k miles on it right now, new tires, new stator, and front progressive springs. Any Suggestions on things that i should do before the spring trip?

    Has anyone done this trip before? I have 14 days for my trip.


    Not that trip, but Grump & I did about 10,000 miles this summer with an 83 & a 86, the 86 was hauling a trailer from start to finish. We did some minor maint over the trip & new rear tires installed, after returning to Canada.



    Here is a map of the basic route (a few minor changes due to detours encountered).

  12. Heights and bridges are not my forte,,,, try the Mac in Mich,,,,, but if you have Avon Venoms or Dunlop Elite III then it's a WHOLE LOT BETTER.


    There is an open grid metal bridge near here which I hate. It grabs the front wheel. It is also single lane and I have had cars come across while I have been half way. I also hate the worn wooden bridges that are well worn and very slippery, also mostly one lane.


    Same decking on the Mac as on the Johnston st bridge in Victoria. But the Mac is much higher, longer (miles) & can be quite interesting riding with the crosswinds. :2cents:

  13. I have never ridden in snow, Camos I don't know where you were living but it NEVER snows in Victoria!



    Normally it is not much at all, maybe a week or two, for the winter.


    But Kevin, you must be still in denial about that 3 FOOT DUMP of SNOW, that we got overnight about the 27/28 Dec 1996. I was working it, as part of the military support for Emergency services. That dump of snow covered lower Vancouver Island & the lower mainland as well (BIG AREA). As the military was active on the mainland as well.



    But more recently, Grump & I rode over to Pacidaho's during the big trip, in late May of this year. I called them from Henderson (after speaking with the sheriff), to check on the pass & Terrie told me to get over the pass quick, before the snow starts sticking. So we did make a quick trip to & over the pass, as I pushed it for the first time in the curves & twisties with a loaded down trailer in tow, behind the 86 VR. This was not a cruising run, but a race to get over before it started sticking to the road. I made another call from Salmon to Terrie & got directions to their place, apparently we made real good time from Henderson & across the pass. The end result, Pacidaho managed to keep us there for 5 days (longer than my planned 2 day visit).


    I am typing this as, I look outside & see a dusting of this white S**t on the road & my deck. This is supposed to be the wet coast, not the white coast......... :2cents:

  14. Rick,


    Please delete my name. Viewed the video and absolutely no mention of trailering the queen.:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:(beat yah too it Paul)


    Thanks much




    The video also doesn't show how to fuel the scoot, or attaching a gas can (for trips longer than 50 feet in distance).

    But it shows, how to wake the scoot up, from its nap.



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