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Posts posted by Dano

  1. May I say this?

    TOO MUCH governmental processes and rules to go thru! They THINK they know more than we in the particular industry they are governing have. NO WAY. They don't live in it everyday!

    I am a licensed master electrician here in Indy, have gone thru this for a few decades. It has gotten worse in the last decade as there are too many who want to live off of us taxpayers by being paid by the government to handle the way WE live.

    Unfortunately, if that "neighbor" has a "problem" with your paint scheme or building look, we have to change it instead of them just putting up with it or MOVING SOMEWHERE ELSE!

    Why/how have we got to the point where others control us?


    OK, I'll stop b**ching now...

  2. You are lucky, my son wanted and got a Katana 750 for his first bike,,,

    BUT he spent numerous years on a dirt bike to learn how to handle a bike perty' well.....


    Now he doesn't like the 750 because of the long frame and unability to pick up the front tire more than a foot....

    Maybe I had somethin' to do with that part!!!

  3. I kinda wish I had gone riding yesterday instead of diggin' post holes and settin' privacy fence sections all day....

    Guess I'll have to find another reason to ride due to workin' like I did last Monday...

  4. A local producer (Countrymark) (who also owns the Indy Motor Spdway)) has premium without the ethanol that eats up little carbs whilst just sitting there, so I put it in all mowers and my RSV since it sits around a lot just now.

    Yesterday I did a 350 mile round trip up north for bizness on the bike and it ran just fine after sitting mostly unstarted since last summer....

  5. Hey Condor,


    I'm not gonna have to meet up with you to fix this one too, am I???!!!


    Just rememberin' Cody for a minute there,,,


    Oh, do they offer the bottom in clear? After startin' my ridin' more and more, I've got the bagger shield on my replacement bike,,,,but it's a bit dark for me to be able to see thru,,,I kinda like to see what's right in front of me, road surface, etc.....

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