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Will they do it?


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Truckers strike starting today of independent operators. A few years back I almost bought a dodge cummins diesel pickup. I'm glad I didn't now the price of diesel is crazy.A man told me today the older models are not running well on the new low ash fuel. Good luck truckers and drive safe.Think I might top off my fuel tanks just in case the pumps go dry shortly.

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Lets hope it does some good. I couldn't imagine quoting a price to haul some freight and getting the job because your the lowest bid. Then pulling up to the pump to haul it only to find your profit "out the window" because the price of fuel went up before you could haul it and get paid. This is only the tip of the iceberg hang on everyone. I just called my supplier of fertilizer and he says it is $600.00 a ton right now. This same fertilizer 3 yrs ago was roughly $200.00 a ton. Something has to give and afraid that it is going to be all of us. So much for America the strong. If our country leaders don't wake up soon we will all be speaking Chinese. What ever happened to national pride. It's a crime that we as a nation have allowed ourselves to loose so much of our manufacturing to overseas production. The time has come. End NAFTA.:2cents::D

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I have one of them diesel trucks with the Hummings Cummings. I love the truck and enjoy the 20+ mpg, but I hate the cost of diesel fuel now. I'm still waiting for the truckers to strike so the fuel costs will come down. No sense in the cost diffence between gas and diesel fuel. A truckers convoy is organized here on Friday. Last count was over 250 trucks going to Charleston to rally at the state capital....

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what really torques your jaws, is the fact that ALL of the fuel refineries, were built, with $5.00 a barrel oil!!!!!

what is worse, is that diesel, is a BY-product, of the GASOLINE distillation process!




can't get gasoline, without having diesel, kerosene, and all the other heavy fuels, as a last phase.

just jt

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