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Hi All

Just need to tell you of my wk. My volly fire gig had jr fire acadamy this week 20 9to 15 year old kids learning about fire and Ems plus I was on nights at the fire station at the airport. Monday had a bad MVA did not turn out well and turns out I knew her and her kids. (sucks) rt 38 vet ride sat then a day at the lake and monday off to to rally.

Sorry to rant and rave but Ive been busyer that a puppy that just found his pecker.

See ya at the rally


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Bull463 sorry to hear about your friends. Hope time at the rally is much more kinder to you.

I'm hoping you can still help with the finger lakes ride and maybe even lead it. I 'll fill you in on what's up at the rally. see you there Jerry

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Been there, done that. I helped pull a High school friend out of an MVA, he went halfway thru the windshield because he wasn't wearing a seatbelt. You never really forget the bad ones. I retired from firefighting after 30 years but the memories last forever. The wind in your face will cure whatever ails you. Hang in there, Bro.



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