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How Insurance Works.


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An electrical fire burned a farmer’s barn down. The next day, the farmer’s wife went to the insurance agent to file a claim.


She told the agent the barn was insured for $50,000 and she wanted the money. The agent told her that is not how


insurance works. An insurance adjuster will come out and determine what the barn was worth. Then we will provide you a new barn


equal to that value.


The woman thought for awhile and said: “If that’s how it works, I want to cancel my husbands life insurance.”

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An electrical fire burned a farmer’s barn down. The next day, the farmer’s wife went to the insurance agent to file a claim.


She told the agent the barn was insured for $50,000 and she wanted the money. The agent told her that is not how


insurance works. An insurance adjuster will come out and determine what the barn was worth. Then we will provide you a new barn


equal to that value.


The woman thought for awhile and said: “If that’s how it works, I want to cancel my husbands life insurance.”



Finally, someone that has this dang profession of mine figured out!!!!

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Reminds me of my first week in life insurance training school in 1972. It was a joke but this is how we were told to handle this objection. An agent is trying to get the husband to buy life insurance. The husband says, "I'm not going to leave a lot of money behind for my wife to marry some bastard and have a good time." Here is how I was told to handle this. You look the guy in the eyes and say, "Maybe she won't marry one the next time." I've never had the courage to say that and don't think it would work.

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