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Neat picture of ice storm left over


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These are a couple of pictures of the left over ice from the storm that went through a couple of days ago.


It is where the snow built up on a deck railing, then later the ice formed over it. When it warmed up some today, the snow underneath melted first leaving these ice domes.


They are very fragile, some collapsed when I walked on the deck.







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I could get a lot of flack here for this but...... I miss a good snowy icy storm..... It does not often happen here but it is kinda nice when it does..... then it usually goes away after a few days.... it makes a nice winter to have some snow days.



Just be carefull, what you ask for. :bang head:


Kevin, remember the dump of snow (about 3 feet in 24 hrs), Victoria & the lower mainland got in 96. Roofs collapsed, Military Reserves called in to assist in various ways. I was doing wrecker calls as well as a transport role as needed. :2cents:

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