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We are back from Squidley's.......


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Jamie and I arrived back in Newnan about 10:30 pm Sunday nite. I have to give a big thanks to Brad & Lonna for their great hospitality, and especially for Lonna's outstanding cheesecake....I never ate cheese cake I like, but I am hooked on Lonna's............they are outstanding. Only bad thing is we forgot the leftover's in the fridge......:crying::crying:........


Meet some great guys and their wives, 3 Dons, still dont have them straight, Rock Hound from Amarillo, he bought Jamie's trailer, Gunboat, Ponch and his lovely petite wife Kathy, Kreggerdoodle, and I just dont plain remember them all because by the time we got to Brads I had been up since 4:30am Friday morning, and didnt get any sleep till about 10:30 Sat. nite...........I was toast.:shock3: But we had a great time, and thanks to MasterGuns I got me a 1986 1300 engine and frame which Squidley picked up for me and stored in is just a little bit crowded garage. Thanks again Brad. Wish we could have stayed longer but we had to get back and help the wives at the big moving sale Jamie and Paula were having. I would post pics but I cant figure out how to download them from my phone.............:bang head::bang head:


If you havent met the Houston gang you are missing out of some really fun people. If I was closer I would be there all the time..............:banana::banana:

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It was our pleasure to have you and Jamie here with us. The stories between you 2 had us in stiches! As I always mention, we have an open door policy to any and all Venturerider's. Were looking forward to the next time we get to see you folks, thanks again for all the generosity you and Jamie gave. Also a big thanks to Rock Hound for the Peach nut bread, mmmmm...mmmmm! had to have a piece of it yesterday :thumbsup2:

Hey Doodle....better get to the house quick, only 2 pieces of Chocolate Rasberry left :)

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Speaking of Bread, Jamie forot to split it open...........I hope there is some left..................



It was our pleasure to have you and Jamie here with us. The stories between you 2 had us in stiches! As I always mention, we have an open door policy to any and all Venturerider's. Were looking forward to the next time we get to see you folks, thanks again for all the generosity you and Jamie gave. Also a big thanks to Rock Hound for the Peach nut bread, mmmmm...mmmmm! had to have a piece of it yesterday :thumbsup2:

Hey Doodle....better get to the house quick, only 2 pieces of Chocolate Rasberry left :)

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