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MD was awesome, THANK YOU


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Beth and I are home from MD, just one close call on the way back to the motel in Westlake Saturday night, damn cagers! The stebel air horn did it's job and kept us safe!


Many, many thanks to Don and Eileen for being such gracious hosts. To ALL who worked tirelessly on the bikes, WOW! Words cannot do justice!


We met an incredible number of people, friends, family.......it's great now to be able to put faces to names here on the site.


Already wore my new T-shirt...and yes, the XL does fit! Garry and Mary, thanks so much for your hospitality, the shade, chairs, food and refreshments are all very much appreciated. Ian and Pat, looking forward to the six of us getting together for a barbeque and maybe planning something a little larger???


I'll post what pics we have later, I have to work midnites tonight, so it's off to bed for a bit before I go and pound salt.....again!


There's always a bed and a garage with tools for the "family" that has adopted us!


randy and beth:happy34:

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Randy I loved meeting you and Beth in her various stages of dress. You are hysterical. I think you should go on stage.

Yama Mama:big-grin-emoticon:


Thank you very much Yama Mama....were you there when Beth let those puppies loose? Ooops, no that was up in Monroe......you should a been there!! I must admit, that woman keeps me guessing, all those quick change artistic like thingys going on....I just don't know what, where, when or why she does it......but I really enjoy being there when she does!!!:banana:


Last time someone thought I was hysterical, I ended up in a loony bin for 3 months before anyone realized I was there....it was really great, I finally had a captive audience.....but I don't think too many of them got many of my one liners.........They finally let me out after the Big Indian pulled the sink from the wall, I completed my 14th electrical shock therapy(passed out with flying colors by the way) and Nurse Goodbody...er, no, it was Nurse Cratchet, flashed her @@'s at me.......I hated to leave after all that attention!


The pleasure was all mine in meeting you and "the MAN"....we'll have to get together again some time when I can wrap you up in a straight jacket and bore you to death with all the regallry and stories that I have witnessed(made up) over the years!!


Beth, the puppies and I will meet up with you again sometime soon!


glf aka gunkylump

p.s. If I can make one person smile each day, I am at peace with humanity, but on the flip side, if I'm not told to f***k off once a day, life just isn't as sweet and harmonious as I think it should be!!!:bighug:

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