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Plastic Tab

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Don't think there is anything better than Plastex. Mother told me about it and since then, I have used it to repair cracked and missing tabs fo my 88VR. I have been amazed by the ease to apply and the resulting strength, and you can shape the results by sanding or drilling out the hole. Check the Plastex web site and related posts on this forum. I assume it is compatable with the type of fpastic you want to repair.

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On a good clean break ABS pipe glue.

After reading all the related posts, I went to a place in Toronto called Plastics World that specializes in this stuff. Based on their info, I decided to buy both Plastex and ABS bonding glue and try both. My own experience is consistent with what they told me, which was that Plastex is by far the superior bonding agent unless you are in a situation where proper application is not possible. There is a good web site video at www.plastex.ca. In my case, my ABS glue weld is the only joint that failed, although I suspect that had more to so with me than the product.

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