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Zumo 550 GXM-50 and XM Weather


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Ok so here is my problem. I just got my GXM-30 on Saturday. I promptly signed up for XM radio and XM weather. XM Radio was on before I got back to the bike from my PC and I am still waiting on the XM weather. I called the number the XM operator gave me this morning (because they don't work on the weekends) and they gave me yet another number to call. Called them and they said they would send an activation signal down and to leave the radio on for 20 minutes. Well I left it on for 30 minutes and still no weather. I seem to remember seeing somewhere that it could take up to 12 hours before the activation signal makes its way to the radio.


Anybody have that happen to them?


If I turn the key off and go to battery power the XM radio of course will not work but when I turn the key on if I am on the page menu/xm where you see the XM button in the upper left I will briefly see an XM weather button pop up. Hitting it makes no difference and it goes away after 1 or 2 seconds even if it's not hit. I don't know if that is just natural function of the Zumo/GXM even without the XM weather subscription or if there is something evil lurking in my system.


I also go to the menu/tools/subscriptions/XM radio page and it shows my Radio ID and the fact that I am subscribed to XM radio with 217 channels, but the data subscription says none.


Thanks in advance.


BTW as a side note, I rode in today with the XM radio and the Sirius radio on, both on the same channel and the ENTIRE ride I had XM signal strength of 3 bars and Sirius has at best 2 bars and for most of the ride 1 or no signal. It was actually nice and comforting to get the XM programing back. Now that they have Sirius channels I see no reason to have Sirius at all since their equipment seems to be inferior.

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Thanks for the replies. I just got the issue resolved. Three times on the phone, first two cut off after 15 minutes or so. Third time the lady stayed on and tried resending the updates about 6 or 7 times. She knew of the GXM-30's quirky problems and was going to stay on until it worked. I'm pretty sure the other two people just hung up on me. Anyway when she just sent the NavWeather it would not work and I had nothing under Data Services, she said that was not right and she knows that it is supposed to work with the GXM's because she has done it before. She finally sent the traffic/weather update and it popped into the data services then about 12 min later it popped up on the XM page. She asked if I needed or wanted the traffic and I said no to both so she resent the NavWeather update only and it went back to no data services. Finally she just sent the traffic/weather update, got me back up and said that since they couldn't get the NavWeather working properly unless sending the traffic and that I really didn't want or need that they were only going to charge me the $3.99 for the NavWeather. Now whether or not that happens remains to be seen.


Oh BTW she told me the Weather/Traffic updates are sent every 9-12 min and the XM audio updates are sent every 13-15 minutes. Really nice young lady and we talked motorcycles for about 40-45 min while trying to resolve the issue.


Thanks again.

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