I try to keep these kind of things to myself as my emotions are mine to deal with and not everyone else's. What Im asking for is a prayer if your so inclined. Only a few on here know that my mom has dementia that has been progressing rather quickly. To make things worse her mom died from dementia complications Monday night at 11:45 and mom has went on a downward spiral since then. She now has a urinary tract infection that makes her diabetes hard to handle, and her emotions are off the scales. Grandma was the last of her line as all her parents and brothers and sisters have already passed on . Mom feels like its now her resposinilty to take care of her brothers and sisters and she cant so this is killing her.
Sorry if Im rambling as my own emeotions are all over the place wright now. I cant take the time to grieve my grandma because I have to take care of mom. to top it off the family has now decided that since Im the elder grandchild its my job to lead the paul bearers( spelling??). Im just thankfull beyond explanation for my wife as she is stepping up big time to take care of mom when I cant.I cant carry her casket and mom too.
Thanks for letting me vent as this is the best group of folks ( family ) I can ever emagine haveing and Ill do my best to read ,listen, or do what ever I can when its some ones else's turn to need help.
god bless you all