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Posts posted by GAWildKat

  1. There are 2 restaurants in Hiawassee capable of handling the crowd. One is the Chophouse, but I think too pricy to be budget friendly. And Daniel's is where the local GWRRA holds it's meetings. Mike and I ate at Daniel's on Sunday. Great food selection and priced well. They have several large rooms that can hold our sized crowds. Mike tested them, they made Todd's pittsburgh char steak to perfection. I think you would be pleased.

  2. Mike and I personally love the tshirts. However, we would rather have a rally without the tshirts, patches, etc and get to see everyone than no rally. I do think that we should look at other places to eat other than Fatz that are capable of handling a crowd of us. I liked the meal this year even if we had Jamie on the grill and he was busy cooking. I think length of time is too short, but I wouldn't change it just to suit me. A lot of work goes into preparing for Vogel. And adding a day or even two with everything you, Charlene, Jamie and Paula, do to make this an awesome rally year after year can't be left unsaid. Mike and I truly appreciate the vacation time you put together for us every rally. I hope that in 2 years we have a bigger and better rally with a large turnout.

  3. StormRaven slid down a mountain and proved once again that he and the RSV's are still the toughest varmints going (glad your ok StormRaven!!) :




    Mike was actually on his suzuki c50t this time (the house joke is he's on a new bike each Vogel and falls off each time too). No, I wasn't on the bike with him when he decided to fly off a mountain. I have only been on the bikes when they decide to take 0mph naps at inconvenient times. I hope it stays that way too!

    I was on my way with the crew who was seeing to Dana and Missy's (Dana's wife) needs while he was at the ER that day.

  4. Mike and I made it home last night about 8:30. We left Hiawassee about 2:30, after Mike making a huge fuss about my eating habits all week. Cheetos are apparently not on the menu but tictacs are. Other than a brief stop at the grocery store on the way home we drove nonstop.


    Regarding our sick spider bite victim: I talked to Missy this morning. The ER doc cleared them to go home yesterday. But Dana has to continue treatment at home until the docs at home clear him to stop. They had an appt this morning to continue therapy.

  5. Heart disease runs on Dad's side of the family, but mostly in the men. Those who develop heart disease young used to be dead before age 40. At age 39 I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure from a faulty heart valve and being overweight. I was put on lasix right away and told I had to lose weight. Fast forward and I was approved for gastric bypass last year. I had surgery in Feb. I was able thanks to the preop diet to stop taking the lasix in Jan. I have not needed to add it back to my regimen.


    High blood pressure guys is very dangerous. It can lead to heart attacks and strokes. My father in law started having high blood pressure in his 30's or 40's (he's in his late 60's now) and had a stroke in April as a result of his dangerously high bp. He refused all attempts to treat the high bp for the last 30 years and is now in a nursing home under 24hr care because of the stroke. I would take care of him myself, but the stroke left him a combative, angry man prone to being violent when he doesn't get his way. I wouldn't wish the result of his stroke on anyone.


    Please rethink about ignoring doctor advice and medications if you don't wish to have your loved ones left with a sudden burden. My father in law was very selfish to ignore his high bp, and eventual heart disease because he's terrified of doctors. My mother in law is more than overwhelmed with dealing with the nursing home and now learning to become more self sufficient around the house.

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