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Posts posted by TxVenture

  1. I laid the bike down in Aug. of last year and messed it up in the front pretty badly. Got that all fixed and thought all was good. Yesterday did some maint., oil change, rear end oil change, etc. Took the left saddle bag off to get to the rear end fill cap, all was good other than rusted bolts that broke off, or so I thought. Went to put saddle bag back on and nothing lines up. Got to looking and when I laid bike down the saddle bag crash bar was pushed back and in towards main frame.

    Any one have any ideas on how to straighten saddle bag crash bar so I can get bag back on. I have thought about getting a couple of chains and putting a chain from the mounted hitch to my pick up and hooking up the other chain to the crash bar and my wife's mini van then using a ratchet chain binder to tighten the chain and hopefully pull the crash bar back into position. Sound doable, or completely out to lunch??

    Any ideas or help will be greatly appreciated.


    Don H.

  2. Beer, you're right on the length. My 1st. gen measures 8' 7" from the back of the luggage rack to the front of the front tire. Might be off an inch or so, but not enough to make much of a difference. Still gonna try and go that route, just hope the LEO's don't notice.

    Anyway enjoy what you get.


    Don H.

  3. Heads up Hoston! Sat. 10th, meet and eat at Bevers Kitchen on Main St. in Chapel Hill 11:00 A. M. Trying to find a central meeting point then ride for about 1 1/2-2 hrs then eat. Or mayby leave it up to individuals to get there however they want and meet at scheduled time to eat.

    Bevers Kitchen is north of 290 at the Shell station on right like you were heading to Austin. Turn right at Shell station go about 1 1/2 - 2 blks. Bevers Kitchen on left across from old church. Parking is gravel.

    Food is GREAT, and prices are very reasonable.

    Hope to see a big bunch of us there. If weather is bad, cage it, just come for good food and fellowship.

    Will hopefully have something firmed up on ride end of it tonite and will post info.


    Don H.

  4. Beer, we have been looking at RV's for about 4 yrs. now and have decided on a 5th wheel. Our situation is different than yours in we are going to sell everything we have and become full time RV'er's. The reason we decided on a 5th wheel is mainly cost and also the ability to not have to pull a toad/car. Just unhook the pickup and use it as basic transportation. Also, I found out that the lift mentioned for a bike can be installed on the stronger built units now. We have looked at the class A's and they are definately nice, but out of our range, plus the wife does not feel comfortable in one as she doesn't like the way the lean in turns.

    Good luck on whatever you end up with, and enjoy it.


    Don H.

  5. Don, Happy New Year to you and yours. Also hoping for better things in '09 for everyone on here. Am definately planning on doing a LOT MORE riding than what I did this year, hope to do it with a lot of Venturriders both here and wherever we meet up.


    Don H.

  6. Is there any way to relocate the red ign. switch located on the right handle bar?? I have bumped that thing a couple of times and shut the motor off at the most inoppurtune times, such as taking off from a red light, and once going down the highway at 70 mph. Now that will get your attention when you automatically reach up and turn it on again. The resulting "BANG" will almost give you hear failure!! Has anyone ever relocated this switch??


    Don H.

  7. I went in today for the PET scan which will let us, the Dr. and I, know if there are any live cancer cells left after the chemo and the radiation. If not then the surgery will be scheduled for the end of the year hopefully and this thing will be behind me. The Dr. will get the results Wed., and I have a 9:00 A.M. appointment with him to get the results also. I am asking for prayers that there will be nothing on the scan and everything is good.


    Don H.

  8. He's so tight he will jump over a gate so he won't wear out the hinges.


    He'll climb a tree to tell a lie when he could stand on the ground and tell the truth.


    Your village called, they want their idiot back.


    You want it when??


    When pigs fly.


    His family tree has no branches.


    Don H.

  9. Does anyone here have a wiring diagram for the Harbor Freight air horns? I bought the set about a year ago and never put them on. Went to put them on my p/u and all I could find are the 2 horns and the air compressor. Nada on wires, wiring diagram or relay and switch. If anyone has one it sure would be appreciated.:bang head::bang head::bang head:


    Don H.

  10. As Kitesquid said, thank you for letting me serve this country. I joined the Navy in '68 and served until '71 never in a combat situation. I just thank the Navy for helping me grow up because as a kid out of high school with a new wife, I had no clue what life was all about. They definately helped me and for that I thank you and this country.


    Don H.

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