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Posts posted by Renne

  1. Yeah, thats it,"why"?:D



    You! (page 1 entry 1),,, You started this! ...."WHY"?


    As I ponder the endless cold blue hours,

    Mindless mystery time somehow lost to


    A Robin, first of season, perched with

    trumpet blast!

    Warm aroma fills the air, Spring at last;

    Free at last!


    I no longer give a crap! (till next winter,sigh)



  2. Thanks for that everyone, and thanks for the site Buddy :thumbsup2:


    I'm in bed asleep (and getting older) while you all are on here having fun....and still hours younger than me :bang head:

    Maybe Annie but,,,,,,with age comes wisdom,,,,we're right behind you!




    When I retired from the Air Force I was a recruiter in Grand Forks ND......One of my friends was retiring at the same time from the Air Base,,,,,I ask him..."Where are ya heading Jeff"? He said, ...."See that snow plow on the front of my F-250"? I said "Ya,,,what about it"? He said, " I'm gonna drive straight south,,,,I'll stop when someone asks me what the h##L is that on the front of your truck"? "That's where I'm gonna retire". I wonder if he still has that plow on the truck?:confused07:


    Renne,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(still have my plow truck):cold:

  4. I ain't so sure bout any of tis. If I get this confused reweading it how woulda it bin to be thar???:confused24::snow2:





    Well,,,,,sheesh!!!! We vasn't efen drink'in not'ting for goodness sakes! You tink we gonna make fools outta arselves in ust da fist git-ta-gedder an maybe imbarress a newbee.....? NO VAY!.....Iff'in we's start wit dat "Land 'a Sky Blue Water" beer an maybe trow inna couple "Lynnies" den maybe you's ed' feel a'bit left out some!


    Las time Bubber was mak'in pass's at my Cookie cuz he was soooo looped he taught he was ME!....He sure cracks me up dat Bubber!,,,,,


    So,,,annahow,,,you's all don't be so skiddish an nxt time we's invite you's to a real Minniesoda style M&E, ust show up,,,walk in backwards quiet like,,,order up a couple rounds a' "Lynnies" an we's make you's feel reel at home fer sur!!! REALLY....we's show you's da real Minnesoda NICE!!!!!!:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


    Anna P.S. Yammer,,,,,,,I don't tink nobody here can speak dat pirate language you do like dat , "How woulda it bin to be "THAR"!!! Sounds like dat Capt. Sparrow wit da "Aye Matey" ting....maybe practice da Scandahoovian a bit before you order dem "Lynnies" OK?:mo money: An for goodness sakes,,,,NEVER say "MATEY" to a Skahoovian,,,,dat ain't KOSZHER!!

  5. Out on deck today in my Fruit of the Looms.No worry. Neighbors keep disappearing.

    Bright light out there. Couldn't hardley look at it.



    "They're coming to take you away HA HA! they're coming to take you away,,,,, to the funny farm" etc etc etc.....................................That's "WHY"!



    Renne...................(oh my,,where did that come from?):fiddle:

  6. Parking doesn't seem to be a big concern here in Mn,,,,The "NEW" craze seems to be just park any dang way you like....pull in on an angle,,take two spots if you like, leave the rear hang out 3 or 4 ft., park in a spot to the right so far as to block the car to the right where the driver has to enter from the passenger side....heck....anything goes it seems and GOD forbid you say anything! What's even worse is not being able to see the lines!...Lowe's parking lot looks like a scrapyard....cars every which way......GONE is consideration,,,especially the young punks with hats on backwards driving diesel duallies!


    Renne,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(I got a nice business card that goes on the windshield)

  7. [size="4""WHY" am I filling the garage up with exhaust and the sound of the "rrrrumble" for just a moments "rush"?


    I need spring,,,,,and I need it NOW!!!!!!!



    Renne,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"why" so long you hold me prisoner old man winter?



  8. Ya well, Dis iss da official reeport on da first of 2010's gittogedders in Minnesoda....


    First, we's all runnin late ta git to dat Chico's Mesican restrant cuz #1 dat Owl'e coult git lost inna hallway,,,,,,after be'in tolt "turn left" an go 5 miles to Renne's,,,,,well,,,,I tink maybe he's lucky to ust drive in da daytime ya'know..........an dat Bubber too.....I spose he musta fergot Lu'wassername and had ta go back en' git her.................annahow,,,we cut trail to dat Chico's ta find Lee & Aeleen from so far south Minnesoda dey had tans! Grandpagak & Ms. Gak was starv'in wait'in fer us,,,,some Mn nice huh? Me and Cookie tink'in we's inna a Mesican place...order Mesican ya? Owl'e orders hamberg steak a french fries wit gravy!!!! Imagin dat! He's so lost he tink he's in Canada! Sheesch!


    Ok we's ust hav'n on good laugh an another fer about maybe a hour and da door bust open and here comes dat Brandy........well,,,we didn't say no'tin cuz she came all da vay from Fargo,,,an iss "fargo" to Chico's an "fargo" to home,,(das funny ya?) and besides she drives truck like Lina and nobody to poke a stick at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Annahow,,,we's took lotza pixures soon's we figured out how to run Owl'e's new camera...told a bunc'ha fibbs drank and burped some. Den we made plans for da P.I.P. and a new ting,,,,a chili cookoff!!!! (Owl'e tinks he knows chili,,,ya right,,,,I tink NOT after see'in him order ff& gravy inna Mesican place!)


    Ok so den da waitress say's we's gotta go,,,,I tink it was Bubber's fault cuz he was gitt'in outt hand an carry'in on about somting "CPO"......Brandy said she thought it was somting about "Star Wars" childhood flashback,,,,,,,,I dunno..


    Oh well,,,we's all had a goot time I tink,,,we didn't you's dat didn't come but you cudda!


    Renne,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dos BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNSSSS)!

  9. Where you been Bubber, he's been back for almost 2 weeks and were already planned a MD in Bogalusa LA...get with the times brother!!


    In defense of Bubber,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AHHHHHH1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,nevermind!



  10. So far, I've submitted a detailed file to the Mn state dental board, I've contacted the States Attorney Generals office and next week will be meeting with a lawyer to start proceedings for malpractice on the issue! Dentists have a nice tidy little circle of security that I'm destined to disrupt in this state. If all goes planned, I'll have her license revoked and a tidy sum of change to squander on my scoot! ( I'm just one of 22 others that have filed on this dentist) I recommend to all, go on line to your state dental board home page and research your dentist for complaints filed! Public records are available as to actions taken, how many and for what! I wish I had known this before I "HIRED" her!



    Renne....................(serious here!):detective:

  11. My morning started out "just great"! After a LONG night of aching pain I managed to score an appointment with a "new" dentist this morning. My problem was, I had a crown put on a molar and the #*@!!&st dentist didn't get all the decay and now I was faced with a root canal and a crown re-do for another $1k! Decision time,,,,extract! I mentally prep'd my self and submitted to what I thought would be just an easy 15 minute visit,,,,YA WELL!!!!!! I had what they call "cowboy" roots (!) lucky me! Procedure,,,,,remove the crown and adhesive, split the tooth, remove the rear roots, then the front and then dig out the tips! YEOW!!!!


    My new dentist is a biker! been riding/racing almost as long as me, knew all the fun bikes we had in the 50's and 60's,,,Bultaco's, Royal's, Ariel's, Gold Star's and Sprints,,,we're sharing all this as the novocaine is doing it's thing!!!! I think we yak'd bikes 30 of the 45 minutes I was in the chair! He was painless! REALLY! ,,,,,,Ha! Maybe I'll schedule a cleaning soon!


    The up-side,,,,,,,,I got lotza Vicodin! LALALALALALALA!!! NOW I NEED A NAP!


    Renne....................(pain free):cool10:

  12. I'm not the average..... but here in this state it does say that your exhaust can not emitt loud noise.....



    Is "LOUD" subjective or do you use a DB meter...? Is "LOUD" in addition to less than responsible riding? Is "LOUD" relative to time of day in WV? I ask these questions with all due respect in that I've seen very wide margins in what is and what is not acceptable.



    Renne...........(MN is very tolerant)

  13. Its not illegal to make them, its not illegal to buy them, but sometimes illegal to use them....:sign03:


    :sign yeah that:


    And, like everything else, there's always a way around it, maybe not legal but think, would the average LEO know if one were to say,,,,,attach a small YAMAHA logo on the muffler? HUMMM?


    Don't get me wrong now I don't advocate illegal tricks but,,,,,,,,,,,some do!


    Renne,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(old sneak):whistling:

  14. I was informed that I can't play with you people anymore.

    You are disruptive, childish. immature, misinformed, hard headed, amatures, and just like me. So momma says to stay away from you cuse I may make all of you worse. Can't figure out HOW!

    or WHY


    "WHY" "WHY" "WHY" would you wanna quit now Bubber? You know,,, your up for your 500th post medallion this week! Imagine what a disappointment you'll be to the rest of the addicted gathering here! I mean really!!!!! You want the rest of us to fail TOO? Tell you what,,,,no way am I gonna fall off this wagon!


    Renne,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(been there done that)!:bang head:

  15. Yes, Yes! YES!! YES! Finally - THE ANSWER! Now can we stop?

    NOPE because Dan will say,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you guessed it......."WHY"?



  16. And now back to your regularly scheduled WHY!!!!



    Gee, and I thought we were goin'g somewhere! Dang! "WHY" isit every time we think we're on the road to enlightenment ...................."WHY"?



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