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FJR Rider

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Posts posted by FJR Rider

  1. Cathy got me a Trunk Lid Organizer (Choko, out of the Shade Tree Catalog) made specifically for the RSV. Was a present to me, but it will organize her trunk junk :). Also got Clement Salvadori's "101 Road Tales".

  2. Yes, it's (or is it they are?) wrapped and under the tree...but dang it, I'm three gifts in off her list and so far I've had to return all three and find something else because she got impatient and went it bought the items herself!


    It's supposed to be one or two trips to the stores to buy the wife presents, not an additional two or three because you have to rethink stuff because she got impatient! I hate shopping and I hate crowds and she knows it...why does she torture me at this time of year?:confused07: Why can't women just wait? You get what you want and we don't get frustrated...okay, I understand, you want us frustrated.....


    Merrry Christmas all!

  3. Cindy,


    Cathy and my prayers are with you and your family. Cathy and I went through pretty much the same thing about 20 years ago with our youngest daughter (at the time 5) and one her great uncles. His indiscretions were bad enough, but don't sound somewhat as bad as your case. It went to jury trial with family testifying against family. He went to jail for a little over year...not long enough in our opinion, but he went. Tore the family apart.


    Hang in there...be there for your daughter. The Air Force helped us with some family counseling along with good friends back then. It took a lot of years for us to get through it mentally, but for the most part we did. If you have access to counselors now, they can be helpful through the legal process as well.



  4. What sense does that make? They are Buell!! The motor in the Buell chassis is a hopped up Sportster engine.


    The really sporty Buells are no longer running HD 1200 Sportster motors...they're now running Rotax motors. A good portion of the Buell line still uses HD 1200 Sportster motors, but they put out a bunch more HP and torque in Buell trim than in HD trim.

  5. I've been using it off and on for about two years now...a member here got me using it. No problems what-so-ever.


    Love the AimHigh handle...I used to use a tag line after my signature that said "Aim High, Fly Low!"....came from my days in ARRS.



  6. :happy65:


    Cocky sofa-pilot? Even it up by picking my own road? Pretty confident in your riding abilities aren't you? Have to admit, I AM confident in mine :). Yep, it was a stretch to do with a passenger...I'd hate for my wife to get sick just before you enter the corner behind me.


    I guess I should be careful saying that though....other than Eagle Eye, nobody in the VentureRiders has ever ridden with me...therefore I'm just a 2d Gen riding 1st Gen wanna-be....NOT :). The equipment provides the means, the mind and body provide the ability...let's just say a 2d Gen can be nicely hustled through the twisties and leave it at that; and my 2d Gen will bow at the front rim of your 1st Gen.


    You're right...must have been the alcohol!

  7. Do I hear a challenge? Can I pick the road here in WI? I'll even give you head start. Do you want me to carry a passenger as well to even things up? Or would having my Bushtec Roadstar in tow make it even enough?


    (I am talking the RSV and not the FJR).



  8. Depends on what I'm riding or driving...in the car, open road, usually no more than 5 over; more congested, then with the flow. Definitely speed limit or less in school and construction zones, and do have a few "known" speed traps here in WI where I definitely drive a mile or two under the posted speed.


    Riding the RSV, pretty much the same as in the car...backroads, in the twisties, maybe crank it up a little. FJR, I have to be careful...it's so easy to go fast on that thing and not know it. I did get pulled over last year on the FJR for being 15 over (70 in a 55)...good thing the Deputy Sheriff was 1) a rider, and 2) interested in the FJR. After he counseled me on being a little fast and gave me a warning, we spent the next 15 minutes talking about the bike. Plus I taking the helmet off and him seeing all my gray hair didn't hurt :).


    I typically get pulled over once or twice a year while riding, but the speed infraction on the FJR was the first time on a bike in close to 20 years...what I usually get pulled over for is for either having a dark shield (down) on my full helmet or wearing sunglasses after dusk when wearing my 3/4 helmet. Have never got a ticket..face shield is easy, I promise to leave it up as my glasses count as eye protection...sunglasses I just offer to switch out, let the officer watch me do so, let him leave, and then I put the shades back on....I actually see better after dark with my prescription sunglasses than I do with the clear specs....I'd rather see CLEARLY, a little darker doesn't bother me.



  9. Thank you...served 20 years (75-95) and retired from the Air Force.


    Had someone on another site tell me recently though that all I did was draw paycheck. His definition of service was going into conflict; that us back office types were nothing more than glorified civilians. Hmmm, guess he's entitled to his opinion.


    (That's not political is it?)



  10. Sure glad you made it through that without going down!


    There has to be a difference between 404s that come on the bikes as original equipment, and those purchased as replacement tires. Going back through threads here and elsewhere, it seems fairly consistent those with aftermarket 404s got/get lousy mileage, pulling a trailer or not. I have a couple of friends on the western side of Wisconsin who both had replacement 404s wear out 5,000 miles (one of the two, two tires in a row)...however, I had over 10,000 miles on the original equipment 404 I took off our 06 this spring. That tire would have easily went another couple of thousand miles....and, the majority of the mileage on that tire was two-up, pulling a loaded camper!


    And now I feel bad for having just under 10,000 miles on an E3 rear, with 9,500 miles of that with a plug in it.



  11. Great race...but did McClaren go down and give $ to the Toyota team to pull over on the last lap so Hamilton would get the championship?


    Brazil is one of my favorite races because the drivers really have to drive to get around that place. I know it was wet today, but even dry there's more slipping and sliding there than pretty much anywhere else they run. What a great place to have the last race of the year.


    Now if NASCAR would run another 5 or 6 road course races a year I'd be a happy camper. Not enough cars in GT1 to be interesting, and to make it worse, Corvette is going to GT2 next year.

  12. Good points and I can't honestly disagree with you. That really hurts me too because I ENJOY disagreeing with you. :)


    From the responses so far, they will probably be going away.



    Damn! :D And you thought I was up to something........

  13. How so? and this is an honest question. I appreciate your feedback. The Social Groups ARE open to all, not hidden areas. I'm not saying that you aren't correct, just wondering upon what that opinion is based.




    My opinion comes from my interpretation of the VentureRider mission statement...nothing hidden, no cliques, etc. In a walkabout world, are not Social Groups in reality cliques, friendly ones..common interests..but still techically a clique? For purposes of the software the tag "Social Groups" is nothing more than bookmarkers, but for individual members they may viewed differently...some of the responses already bear that out.


    The mission statement for the VentureRiders says no cliques, that why I said it doesn't fit with the VentureRider mission statement.



  14. Yeah, I sure hope so too. It is always a gamble this time of year.




    They're saying 60s by the end of the week, so maybe another ride or two for us....looks like you should be good.


    I will say though...it was 41 when I walked out of the dentist's office this afternoon and those clouds sure looked like snow clouds.



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