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Posts posted by RedRocket

  1. After trial and error experiementation on my own personal butt, I've settled on






    Ex Officio are wicking type underwear. They're expensive to start with, are so well made with high quality material that I have some that are over 3 years old, and look like they're brand new. When I take roadtrips I wear one pair , and pack one pair. YOu can wash them in the sink, and they dry out within hours.

    I have both the boxers, and boxer-brief style.

  2. Ouch. I lost my balance with my 1st gen. What a giant pig! I got almost picked up, then lost it, anc caught my foot underneath. Luckily a man was nearby, and he helped me get it off of my foot. Me leg ended up with a couple of nice bruises, but thankfully nothing broken for me.


    You could also try some of these kits for refurbishing plastic headlight covers, I have seen them in the autoparts stores.



    I recently saved myself $ 22 on one of those kits. I had great success with plain old-style white Colgate toothpaste. I worked it in with my fingers, and could tell it was working because the toothpaste turned yellow.

  4. I go to "Dollar Tree" and get "Power House" wax for a buck a can and use it on anything. Carry a can ion the bags with Micro soft towels. But then I worry more about riding when I'm out than I do cleaning.


    Don't know who that guy was trying to wipe down that "Ugly" bike every time it stopped in Ashville this summer?



    I'm a convert. Honda Spray Cleaner and Polish was always my favorite, but when comparing $1 vs $ 5 a can I'll go with cheap.

  5. I rode 935 miles from Taos NM to SoCal on my VFR recently, but I just realized that back in the 80's when I was younger, and stoopider, I rode non-stop from Austin Texas to Louisville, Ky, on a shovelhead Sportster, just over 1,000 miles.

    When I finally stopped and got a motel, I sat down in the bath, and was still vibrating so much it was like being in a Jacuzzi.:scared:

  6. Well I'm one step further. I've felt quite uncomfortable on my recently purchased Venture. Having come from riding sport bikes the front end on this was downright scary,and the front springs were definitely toast. I also ordered some new steering head bearings, and a washer to replace the wobbly rubber one.

    Initially I attempted to change the steering head bearings as there was a crashing in the front on bumps, and it was as good of a guess as any. Turns out the nut was too tight for me to break loose without an air tool, so I went on to the springs.

    The spring swap turned out to be easy. I followed Progressive's recommended filling proceedure. I jacked the front wheel in the air when I went to install fork caps, and it turned out to be relatively easy.


    I did this yesterday, and just went out for a 40 mile ride on surface streets, and freeways, and it felt like a brand new bike. The clunking was gone, and I was so impressed by the improvement.

    Today I took it out for a spin on the twisty Ortega Hwy, and I'm sad to say that I can now feel that rubberiness in the front end, and on a few 60+ mph curves I got the wobble. I guess I'll just have to take that next step, and do the steering head. Though the bike is 20 years old, so it can't ever hurt.

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