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Two Tone White

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Posts posted by Two Tone White

  1. I found a couple diffrent back supports on J&P and they have 3 diffrent sizes that range from just the lower to all the way up your back. Has anyone ever used these or know anything about them?


    I have one from BackAlign and I use it, but not with every bike I own and not often with the Venture because I have a Utopia backrest. I like it. I most commonly use it on x-country road trips and not just an hour out and about. It makes a difference for me in the long run.

  2. http://www.bluewatersmtnl.com/


    Try staying at Blue Waters Mountain Lodge. Can't beat it. Very quiet, clean and the food is great (B&B). Sits right on a huge lake. The people that run it are great hosts. It's not a campground so be prepared for the price difference. Easy access on/off the Dragon as well as the Cherohala Skyway and to town (Robbinsville) for misc shopping or other restaurants.

  3. Two Tone - I apologized to Freebird and I recognize that I owe you as well.


    Please accept my apology for being an a$$ and not reading what I was reading.


    I did that from 29Feb60 thru 19Feb63


    No apology sought nor required. Thanks for your service.

    V7Goose and a few others have posted some great info which was helpful to me in making my decision. Just don't listen to those "darksiders." :witch_brew::witch_brew::witch_brew:



  4. Having owned HD's, Triumps and B'Mers, but never a Yamaha, I came to this site when doing a Google search on RSV's. Then once I got here, finding the information that was available awesome, I began using the search function (which I didn't find right away) to really get myself educated on my new RSV. After lurking for quite a while, I joined. Everyone's approach is different, but I like to read up on threads about a topic and either add to it with my new question (which bumps it to the top and creates new discussion) or start a new one asking a question in furtherence of what has already been discussed and by referencing that prior thread.


    After my research on tires using this site, I decided to use AVONS. They are great.


    With that, I need to go protect America from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Good luck making a buck or two.


    :mo money:

  5. I'm looking at the Star model but wonder if anyone has something they like better. Any input appreciated.


    I've tried them all. Your best bet for the $$ and weather protection is getting any of the non-motorcycle-specific dry bags from Cabela's or Bass Pro Shops or Gander or some similar outfitter. I found a waterproof tackle bag with a rigid bottom at Cabela's which is a perfect fit for the rack. They have similar bags for hunting, camping, backpacking, fishing, etc. Usually less expensive than moto-brand bags and better made. Good luck.

  6. Hello everyone,


    I spoke to a Yamaha Store shop foreman at the Toronto International Motorcycle Show about what is coming for the Venture in 2010. He said they are testing the new VMax motor in the Venture(slightly detuned to around 160hp) and if all goes well we could see it 2010 or at worst 2011. He also mentioned that there doesnt seem to be to many changes to the rest of the bike.


    They are also looking very closely at the Vmax to ensure the motor works without problems.


    Hope all goes well with the VMax!!!!!!!!


    Screaming Red:080402gudl_prv:


    That's funny, I was at the DC show a few weeks ago and the manufacturer's rep was there. He told me that nothing new was on the horizon because 1) the current model is a "seller/money maker" so they don't want to mess with a good thing and 2) it is too expensive to re-tool for a new version.


    I hope was was wrong or not "in the know" but only time will tell.



  7. I'm shorter than you guys at 5'10 1/2" so I don't need as much leg room I guess. I love my Utopia.I don't think the original question was who likes backrest and who doesn't. The origal question was who makes a good backrest. Bluesman said he had a bad back and wants a backrest. So lets advise him on what type of backrest to get not try and talk him out of getting one. I had to turn my Utopia upside down because I didn't like it hitting me so high in the back even set at it's lowest setting. I have a friend about my hight that did the same thing. To me the Utopia has plenty of adjustability frontwards and backwards up and down. It seems to me (and I'm only guessing here because I haven't done it or needed to do it) that if you back the screw out so far that it vibrates out I would think you should be able to back the screw all the way out and put a nut on the bolt and screw it back into the seatback and thighten the nut to hold it in place. Another reason I like a back rest is when I put my feet on my highway pegs without the backrest my feet feel like I need to hold them on because the seat doesn't hold me in place. When I put the backrest on I can apply some preasure to lock my legs and feet in with out fear of hitting a bump and my foot falling off the highway peg. Now my foot peg his highly adjustable so I have as much leg room as neccessary. When you turn the Utopia upside down the seatback doesn't flop down over the seat. I have a friend that rides double all the time and it doesn't seam to be a problem and I like the fact that I don't have to lift the seatback up everytime I have to get on the RSV.




  8. Some other info I've found. Edit to suit your needs:


    What to pack on a motorcycle trip?


    I found this on: http://motorcycles.about.com and http://www.micapeak.com/info/mclist.html

    Here's How:


    1. Create a packing list of everything you want to take and where it will be placed on the bike. See Related Feature below.
    2. Depending on the bike, you'll need saddlebags, a tailpack, possibly a tank bag, and at least 3 bungee cords.
    3. Clothes should be tightly rolled up to assume the smallest space.
    4. Use the packing list to place items in the various storage areas. Include your jacket as a storage area.
    5. Evenly distribute the load on the left and right sides. Weigh the bags on a scale.
    6. Don't put too much weight on the back of the bike. See your owner's manual for limits.
    7. After all necessities are loaded, place your rain gear somewhere on top of the bike secured by bungee cords. You don't want to have to unpack when it starts to rain.
    8. Double check your list to ensure that everything is on-board.
    9. Place the packing list in your jacket or other readily available spot.
    10. Have a great trip!



    1. Use removable bags in your saddlebags to be able to easily move the contents from your bike to a motel or campsite.
    2. Always place items you don't want to get wet in plastic zip-type bags.
    3. Try to keep items you need on the road in a place where they can be easily accessed.

    A Packing List for your Bike - Regular Stuff

    Getting organized and packing your bike for a long trip can be difficult. There is only so much space on the bike and so much stuff to find a place for.

    The list is alphabetical by Regular Stuff, Clothes, and Toiletries. You'll have to select each of the three parts separately for ease in printing. I also have a more printer-friendly version below.

    Just place an X in the box where the item is stored. The notation Left, Right, Top, and Jacket gives the location where the item has been stored on the bike. Left means left saddle bag, right is for right saddle bag, top is either for a trunk or somewhere else on the top of the bike like a luggage rack or back seat if no co-rider. The jacket has lots of pockets and hiding places. Many of the list items can be stored somewhere in the jacket.

    I like to pencil in a count of the number of each item next to the item. The count will change depending on the length of the trip.

    If you are pulling a trailer or running a sidecar, you might want to draw in another column on the left or right where you can put an X if the item is in the trailer or sidecar.

    I hope this list will help you to get organized for that long trip.


    Download the list





  9. Hello out there. i'm new to the site and new to postings and would like your feedback/advice. I'm planning my first serious road trip from the rio grande valley (southern tip of texas) to south bend indiana in june. please shoot me some advice on how to prepare for this trip.


    Touring tips:




    Packing tips:



    See attached document from IBA for more info.


    Good luck

  10. Whatever they want to call it, I'll say it missed the mark. We went to the bike show last weekend in Novi MI. and I sat on one of them. We may think that our RSV's are antiquated, but the Voyager has only 2 speakers in the front. It also doesn't have the fit and finish that the Venture has. There are a lot of plastic pieces that compose the front upper and lower fairing. I also noticed strait out that some of the plastic pieces still had the molding lines from when it was extruded...it just looks cheap.


    The saddlebags were VERY flimsy and the hindge assy left a lot to be desired with tolerances. I opened the rear trunk and there is a cable that keeps the lid from over extending. It's not user friendly as it obstructs the useable cargo space of the trunk.


    This is just me, but there isn't a snowballs chance in hell that I would buy one of the Voyagers to replace my RSV :no-no-no:



    I completely concur. I saw it yesterday at the show in DC and was very disappointed. The specs on paper looked good, but not in person.

  11. My tape deck door will not stay closed anymore. Is this part of the deck or the faring? How hard is this going to be to fix? Or should I just glue it shut? Anyone have this problem before that can help would be great. I don't want to take it to my dealer.


    If all else fails, why don't you use velcro? They sell industrial strength stuff with adhesive backs at any home improvement store. Assuming you don't use the tape deck regularly, you could apply the velcro and shut the door and it would stay shut, yet be able to get it open when you need to, as opposed to gluing it shut.

  12. These freaks need a good kick in the a$$ if they got nothing better to do. :buttkick:


    Their mommy and daddy never told them "no" and never gave 'em a good one in the backside. They live in dark basements and can't hold a conversation with another human being.




    Thanks, now I feel better.

  13. Out getting lost yesterday in a part of the State I am not really that familiar with. I usually head West towards the Blue Ridge where there is much less traffic. I decided to explore the area East of 95 and South of 17 between F'Burg and Richmond. There are really several great quiet curvy and twisty scenic roads down there. A real nice ride is Sparta Road to Newtown (721) to Rt 14 (The Trail). I think I was the only one on the entirety of these roads for most of the trip. When 14 dumped out on to Rt 33 at Shacklefords, I made the East turn and the first thing I saw was a Silver RSV going the opposite way on 33. Then on the way back to F'burg, I had another RSV along with his pack of HD and Honda friend accompany me most of the way back. I can't remember when I saw two in one day just out and about. Anyway, there are several great little country roads in that area I defined. If you haven't explored them yet, you should. I really enjoyed the ride and I think you would too.


    Ride safe,


  14. Let me know if anyone knows of MC boots size 14 EEEE. I've never been able to find any. I'm currently wearing Matterhorns which are made in the USA. These are not MC boots but are boots we buy for my job. Very comfortable, waterproof and very warm.



    Please tell me you're only 5'1" tall.



  15. I'd suggest to clean the Browser Cache.


    The Flaf File(VA.gif) sure could be used by another Graphik and the Browser takes this Pic out of the Cache instead of loading from the Site. Thus the wrong Picture there.


    :sign yeah that:


    Well, I learned my lesson. I was always told by my parents about wearing clean underwear and not messing around with dirty girls, but now I need to remember to keep a clean browser. Problem has been solved. Used Firefox "Clear Private Data" option to clean it followed by another washer program and I can see the grand flag of the Commonwealth of Virginia once again, not only on my postings, but also for everyone else from VA. Not sure where the hell that other image came from about Halloween, but it is gone now.


    Thanks everyone; crisis eliminated.



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