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Posts posted by b2dad

  1. You can sure tell who she belongs to! She is a cutie for sure and will definitely be breaking some hearts when she gets bigger.

    I would have preferred an orange and white outfit (GO VOLS) but certainly understand having to cheer for her daddy's team.

    Thanks for sharing the pics Yamma Mamma


  2. don had one for his which he used on a regular basis, even just to clean the bike. However, when he triked it, the lift wouldn't work any more. He sure misses it for sure!

    Larry has promised to work on adapting a new one for the trike, hopefully he will have some time this winter.

    But if you have a G2, this is the best there is!

    Patti and Don

  3. Dear Don

    Please, please give them to my sweet, adorable, but poor husband, Don. (See, you have the same name!!) He has spent all his money on his new trike and now has nothing left to buy those thingys with.

    I have had to cut him off from the check book and all kinds of plastic. He has spent the children's inheritance and his retirement money.

    He is now driving me crazy, crying all the time and has filled up the garbage can with used kleenex.

    :bawling:I can't take it any more! Please send him something he can put on his bike and maybe that will appease the poor creature for awhile. It's worth a shot, don't you think?

    The trike would look so much better with those gaugie things on it...or whatever they are called. I will be forever in your debt, Don.

    Thanks in advance...I believe you have my address.

    Patti, the poor distressed wife of a crazy lunatic on 3 wheels :fingers-crossed-emo

  4. Pat and I are coming. Also, my son is coming from MS. Going to be good to see you all again.


    Just a note: There is supposed to be construction beginning this coming weekend on I-40 going into Memphis (from Nashville), if anyone is going that way. Also, I thought I saw some construction around the Flying J last night. But then again, I could be wrong. Pat said she didn't see it, but she wasn't looking. If you are coming up I-55 there didn't seem to be any, but definitely some on I-40.

    Everyone be careful!



  5. I will be there and so will my son. He rode this last year and asked if I would like to go with him this year. We are both riding to Memphis for St. Jude's and then going to Birmingham on Sunday.


    Tazmocycle: I will be the one riding the '08 Venture Trike (Bl cherry / Black). Hope to see you there.


  6. I got home early this morning. Thanks again for a great time. I'm so glad I decided to go.

    The wife found the pics of my lady riders so...thanks Lewis!! LOL. I emailed the pictures to the family of those ladies. Have not received an update from them as to how they are doing. Will let you know as soon as I hear from them.

    This is such a great group, I enjoyed being with everyone. See you on the ride to St. Jude.


  7. Ladies (and others...)

    I just want to warn you what happens when you send your guy off to a rally without you...I found these pictures on Don's camera when he got home this morning!

    AND IT'S NOT ME!!! Apparently someone likes giving rides to the ladies. LOL!

  8. I really like my bike (this is really B2dad talking). I have only had it 2 weeks now and still really learning everything. I still can't get used to it in the twisties. I am disappointed in the gas mileage, however...I am heavy on the throttle and have been pulling a trailer that I swear weighs 900 #...THE WIFE PACKED HER WHOLE CLOSET!!!

    The ride is terrific with independent suspension and the disc brakes, of course, are the best. It stops on a dime..

    I am sure you will be happy with whatever trike kit you choose. let me know if you need any other info. Carbon One summed up our bikes pretty accurately.


  9. Glad you made it home Larry (Carbon One). Rain has just let up here. So we all would have been in some heavy storms if we hadn't left on Thursday. Good call!!

    Hopefully the weather will cooperate with us for tomorrow. My brother in law gave us a car to drive while we are here for the wedding, so we don't have to drive the bike on the wet roads (now that it has quit momentarily).

    Tell Joyce hi and we were so fortunate and happy to ride to MI with you. We enjoyed meeting everyone at the Rally and look forward to more of them.

    Pat and Don

  10. Just wanted to let you all know that we made it to Mich (nephew's wedding tomorrow) with Carbon One and his lovely wife, Joyce, late this afternoon. They decided to head on home due to the impending rain.

    We had a great time at the HUB and enjoyed seeing old friends and making lots of new friends. The committee did a great job!

    Hope to see everyone there (and more) next year.

    Will let you know when we get home.

    Pat and Don

  11. What kind of rear end do you have on the trike? The one that they put on mine is a small lincoln. When it was a two wheel I got between 45 and 47. I dropped down to 35 when I triked it.



    I would be happy with 35, LOL! The rear end that Hannigan used was a Ford Thunderbird.

  12. Got the trike back Saturday. Apparently the drive shaft was aligned wrong and the rotors were bad on the rear brakes. There was alot of vibration and noise. Took it back to the mechanic and they had to adjust the drive shaft and put on new rotors. Since I picked it up Saturday afternoon, I have put several hundred miles on it. It's running way better now and I'm loving it!


    Except for the gas mileage. I was getting 36 mpg before the trike kit and now I am only getting 26-27 mpg. The carbs have been synched. Anyone have an idea what else it could be?


    I posted some more parts for sale in the classifieds if anyone is interested.


    Will post more pics when I get time. See everyone at the rally next week.

    Don :cool10:

  13. They did a great job on it, congratulations. Good choice too. Did you have the ezsteer installed? It looks like you did but it is hard to tell. Don't forget to re-aim your lights after the rake kit, mine were aimed in the trees after the install. When you decide on some different rims post a picture. I have thought about a different rim but nothing reall stands out. Have fun with it.


    Yes, I had the ezsteer installed and yes, I had to re-aim the lights...although I didn't know it at first. We were riding home last night, when it got dark enough to see that the headlight was in the trees.


    What rims have you looked at? I have a wheel / tire dealer looking for me. I was wanting some deep dish chrome, baby moon (everyone says I am old!)...but having a hard time finding anything to fit that I really like. Just want something more than what's on it.


    I know that when all is said and done, I will like it. Unfortunately I had to take it back to the shop today. Mechanic said it needs a new drive shaft. That's ok because I am only 20 miles from Hannigan's...

  14. Buddy:

    No, I did not get to watch it day by day. They were having issues with their insurance company (if the insurance company found out anyone other than employees were in the service dept, they were raising the rate by $6000). So...I stayed at home and paced the floor.

    The trunk latches ok now...not sure what the problem was.

    Will tell son hello for you.


    Carbon One:

    Yes, I will take it easy and get to learn the bike all over again. (Wife said so). Will see you and everyone else at the Hub.


    Can't wait for the Int. Rally!!!!



  15. Well, I did it. I had my '08 RSV triked out. It's been in the shop for a week and I finally got it back this afternoon and took it for a short spin. I had the Hannigan Trike kit put on it. I think my mechanic did an amazing job on it. I'm now looking for some different rear wheels and some other chrome to add to it. Trying to attach a picture, not sure if it will work or not.



  16. I may have a slightly used shock from an '08 RSV. My dealer is removing it as we speak because they are triking my bike and won't need it. I will ask them the condition of it and let you know, which it should be ok. I have never had any trouble out of it. I bought the bike new in May '08.

    If you are interested, let me know. You can PM me and we can discuss a price.


  17. Squidly, Lonna and Bummer:


    Just wanted to say that it sucks big time to lose your job, but you've gotta look at it like a new door is opening for you. It's BIG TIME SCARY, but it will work! Don and I did that about 30 yrs ago. We grew up in MI and I was so tired of the snow, we moved to TN and never regretted it. Can't say as there are any jobs on our side of the state (NW corner) but highly recommend the state as for living expenses. If you can find a job anywhere here, you will love it!


    The one drawback for "Yankees" may be the heat / humidity. Does take a bit to get used to....but the winters are great!


    Who said they speak "english" here? Sure they do...if you can figure out the accent. LOL! Warm and friendly people here tho. Hope you find something here! Good luck! And let us know when you get settled somewhere...we can come visit and try some of that cheesecake I keep hearing about!


    Best wishes

    Pat and Don:thumbsup:

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