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Posts posted by chabicheka

  1. The Kitchener rally was a great time.:canada:

    We would be all in for another one in Canada..


    I'll be the first to suggest E-fishing-C to make this happen in Sudbury...:beer:




    Talking of E-fishin-C.....its his birthday today...

    Happy Birthday, Charlie.....if you are reading this.:beer::canada:

  2. Don't know what to say, Scott....

    Just hoping you get your sight back and everything works out for you.

    Many have been concerned about you, since we heard the news when your right eye was acting up...especially Bob. Met him a few times recently and he would always ask about you, since we were neighbours. Sorry haven't been able to meet since you moved away. When you came over to my house couple of months ago, i was on holidays in Africa, unfortunately.

    Let us know when it is okay for us to pay you a visit, and we will be over...am sure Bob would be interested too.I remember him saying he wanted to visit you when you first experienced a problem with the right eye. Take care, buddy and say hi to Sherry, your daughters, and grand daughter.


    Abdul. :fingers-crossed-emo

  3. Instead of just stepping on the release pedal, do the pumping motion with your foot like you do with a foot pump filling air in tire...and don't push down all the way...about an inch or so only. Not sure if i expressed this properly...but it works in getting the bike down slowly...always holding on to the handle bar so it doesn't fall over. Good luck.



  4. Had to change a bulb today....wasn't so bad...just takes a little patience putting it all back with the rubber gasket and the chrome shade piece.

    Figured i might change both at the sametime, but couldnt get the other bulb out. Just wouldn't budge. Was worried about breaking the bulb trying to get it out, so left it alone.

    Is there a trick to getting these bulbs out easily? :confused24:


    Talking about the rear indicator(flasher) lamps.



  5. But we never ever get the full details of how the accidents happened...all we hear is someone got hurt, or some one was under the influence of alcohol...or the deceased left behind a wife and two young daughters, or how long the traffic jam was around the scene of accident, and how someone didn't make it to the hockey game cause of the accident etc etc. :confused07:



  6. Buddy was rear ended and injured in his 4 Runner. My brother hit a tree while skiing. I broke my hip painting the house. What I am saying is accidents can happen anywhere at anytime. So do what you love and enjoy life. Just be careful while you are doing it..




    :sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that:

    I agree....I personally don't need to hear about these motorcycle accidents...they serve no purpose except to put fear in us of riding bikes....and I don't need that. As mike says, accidents will happen...everywhere...swimming, skydiving,driving cars, walking on sidewalks, my uncle was in a hospital bed being treated for something, and he fell off the bed when he was asleep, and he died. So what am i supposed to do? Not go to the hospital when i am sick? And how careful can i be when i am asleep? :draming:http://venturerider.org/forum/images/smilies/bang%20head.gif



    :beer::7_6_3[1]: Get out there and enjoy life! Being scared is not going to get you anywhere.:15_8_211[1]:

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