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Posts posted by 50btripn

  1. I agree with Wkboard...the spoiler LEDs are not bright enough IMHO. I have the Diamond R light bar on mine, my buddy has the Yamaha spoiler...even he agrees, the Diamond R is MUCH brighter...he wishes he bought one instead of the Yamaha spoiler.


    But all that matters is that you 2 are happy with it. Enjoy!!

  2. I, too, am mechanically inferior...BUT...I am also a stingy SOB with my money (especially when half my $$$ goes to child support). So I basically am forced to do a lot of work myself. You know, I have found that I am more mechanically sound than I thought. Especially with all of the tech articles on this site and the vast experience and knowledge of the members here. I have saved a good bit of money doing things myself. The big thing (for me) was to not get scared of the bike and/or work to be performed. I have my laptop next to me while I am working on the bike and just dive in. My 2 cents.


    I'm almost due my 16K service also...I will be doing most of the work myself.


    Good luck to ya.

  3. I installed the Polk Db401's front and rear about 4 months ago. Not any louder than stock IMHO, but definitely better sound quality. With stock I could go to about 24 maybe 25 before the speakers would basically "bottom out". I can now go a full 30 with the Polks. I like them over stock. I got all 4 speakers on Ebay for $80 and free shipping.

  4. No HD bashing here...but,I'm with SilvrT...the RSMV was almost 5K cheaper than the Ultra I wanted, plus I find the Venture to have more leg room, I can stretch out better than on an Ultra.


    Congrats on the new bike!!

  5. Having just purchased an HJC Symax II myself, and you say you have been wearing HJC helmets all of your motorcycling life, I suggest to you...why break from tradition? HJC makes very comfortable, affordable, well-built helmets. I too have always tended to lean towards HJC. I've tried others, such as KBC and Scorpion (mainly for my sportbikes), but I always seem to come back to HJC. For my head (and my checkbook) the HJC is best for me. Best of luck to ya.

  6. My 2007 rear shock went bad with less than 5k miles. As someone already pointed out, look for oil leakage on the mounting bolt at the bottom of the shock...that's how I discovered mine was bad. Dealer replaced it under warranty. I have almost 10k on the replacement shock with no issues thus far. Good luck.

  7. Just last week I installed XM Radio on mine. I use an Audiovox Xpress receiver (as listed here http://store.xmfanstore.com/xpress.html). I purchased the RAM-Mount system to mount to the handlebar. I then purchased an FM Direct adapter (http://store.xmfanstore.com/fmdirect.html). It wires directly into the antenna on the bike, which negates any static or interference discovered when using FM modulators.


    All in all, it took me about an hour to install and run all wiring (I like to work slow and meticulously), and everything cost less than $100.


    From one cop to another...hope this helps.

  8. Hey Rick (and everyone else),


    Thanks for the replies/info. I currently ride with a Corbin seat, but am always looking for more comfort. Rick, I will definitely check out your webpage and if I get some extra $$$ set aside, hope to do business with you in the near future.


    Darryl...who has no cool Boomer sign-offs to share

  9. Not sure why we need to split off MP3 from the Cassette player. Doesn't it already have an MP3 connection. :scared: Atleast that is what I was told the jack was on the side of the cassette.:think::think: I haven't had the opportunity to use it yet to test it, but am curious.



    It does, and it works fine. I just didn't like having the cassette door open the whole time, plus the wiring can be run under the ignition switch cover thingy, alongside the headset wiring. This way there's not a wire flopping around the handlebars that could possibly get caught on something or interfere with my "steering".
  10. Sweet bike, Eck...Glad to see you will be/are back up and riding again. Hope everything healed nicely. Look forward to seeing you at an Alabama VENTURE M&E, even tho you have stepped over to "the other side". Enjoy your new ride!!:happy34:

  11. I'm sure this has been asked/discussed (in another forum maybe?) so I will apologize beforehand for repetiveness...


    I now understand the "concept of racing fuel and why it's not useful in our bikes...but what about 93 octane vs. 87? Advantages? Disadvantages? Am I wasting my $$$ wputting the 93 octane in my bikes?:confused07:

  12. my .02, based on my limited experience with my '07 (but you've already beat me to some of these)


    1) dielectric grease on all connections with the stereo/cb


    2) change the crappy stock Clarion speakers to Polk's (much better sound quality)


    3) Add or split the cassette deck wiring to add a separate jack for MP3


    4) (and MOST important) BE CAREFUL removing that darned chrome strip covering the bolts holding the windshield in place...$100 to replace that part.


    Best of luck!!:thumbsup2:

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