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Posts posted by Wizard765

  1. Same here. No problems at all.. with the new creators edition.. My only issue with 10 so far from a performance standpoint is the actual upgrade at first. Most of the time it is OK but on some occasions an upgrade just leaves problems.. this happens with any upgrade and not just 10. A clean install solves all that. There are some things that should be turned off with 10 so that it isn't calling home all the time but otherwise it's fine in my opinion.

  2. If you bought a new computer it probably came with windows 10 If you uninstall McAffee then the built in Defender (formerly Microsoft Security Essentials) will or should reactivate.. between that and your paid for Malwarebytes you will be very well protected without putting out any more cash..

  3. I was at a men's retreat at the end of September. It was in North Central Ontario near Algonquin Park. I had offered to give a young guy a ride so after breakfast on Sunday we headed out being followed by his ride home.. It was an absolutely perfect day.. the fall colours were in full swing and it was sunny and warm etc. So I took him down 35 to 118 and west to HWY 11. At this point he got off and joined his friends.. I was sitting on the side of the road looking at the hwy and called home.. "Hey honey are you expecting me any time soon?" Her reply... "Nope enjoy your ride" So started off by circling Lake Muskoka and then all back roads etc. From that intersection it is about 3 hrs home for me and I was there about 10:00. Got home and it was almost midnight.. One of the best days I've ever had and will never forget it.. Could not wipe the smile off my face..

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