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Our local eagle camera

Venturous Randy

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We have nesting eagle cameras set up locally and one now has one egg and will probably have another one shortly. These are live, but you can back up some if you want to. Last year we got to watch the eggs hatch and grow to the point until they departed. It was very interesting with all the feeding and them learning to fly. :2133:




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I am waiting for them to open up a season on them. They are a nuisance, and sometimes a hazard to traffic when they are scavenging the road-kill. I love to watch them, but they are almost to the point of over populating.

Maybe we could shoo some down your way?

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We have some of those AWESOME birds here on the lake too - just beautiful to watch em take fish out of the lake when your out fishing... Gotta say though,, we have NOTHING like that happening here Randy!! IMHO,, THAT is just flat out awesome!! I will try to remember and follow this as I would LOVE to watch em hatch up and learn to fly and all that! REALLY REALLY NEAT!! :thumbsup:


Thank you for posting this!!


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