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Secret Audio SST

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Anyone have this unit? Not thinking about buying it. I was at a friend's house last night and he installed this unit in his Venture.


It is made for hotrods, classic cars and such so it is not waterproof. He did get caught in a downpour once but he said the unit itself didn't get wet. He said moisture still got in it and after a couple days it cleared up. He was scared there for a bit that he might be losing the radio after he just bought it due to this.


He took out the cassette player, but the amplifier in its' place. He said it was the same size and put the face plate where the cassette door used to be. He likes the controls much better. They way he did it, he did remove the Venture Controls on the handlebar. The only thing he lost is CB, but he doesn't use it anyway.



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