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trees for troops...


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Not sure if anyone has heard of this before,nut the wife and I are thinking of doing this if we can get the money together before the cut of date. Locally its $55 to get a 6 ft tree deliverd to the troops over seas. Not sure if you can stipulate where it goes as far as specific troops or not,but it would be nice to have them deliverd to all our members over there and many more if we could. Laura and I plan on going this weekend as it is locally done in Highpoint nc but the link says it has many other sites. What do you guys think???






Hope you all have a good one. In a time of chaos we live in these folks are over there putting there lives on hold and on the line so we can live free as we please. It wopuld be a nice way to say thanks.



If you know me personally then you know who will get one from me if they let me stipulate whom and where it is deliverd. If not just getting it to the troops will be good enough for me.




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