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I am on my third day of a ten day vacation and since I had a few days with Laura in Birningham at a family reunion, I decided to do a bit of maintenance before our Asheville rally. It has been a year since my bike was knocked over sustaining damage to the right side fairing. I took the fairing off month's ago and did the repairs, but did not get it painted. I decided this would be a good time and my painter said he could work it in, so I tore in to her. Friday I took the fairings to my painter after I had 400 sanded them and was hopeing for a quick turn around. He did a great job adding the base coat on the repaired area without getting in to my ghost flames, but when he started the clearcoat, he had a problem with it spitting, so that will have to be buffed and re done.

While I had the fairings off, I decided to replace the fork seals, since one had a very small leak. Got that done and decided to replace all brake pads. Two of the calipers had a sticky piston, so I disassembeled and cleaned them. I also needed to replace the clutch slave hose and got that done. Now, I need to do some work on a cracked panel where the radio goes. If I can get that done tomorrow and get my fairings back, I hope I will be good to go.

I hate doing a bunch of maintenance before a trip, but that is how it ended up being. Year before last when getting ready for the trip to Vogal, pulling a 450 lb camper, I decided to replace my transmission from and 86 motor. I had all of 12 miles on it after the repair when we hooked up the camper up and took off and it done great.

Well, wish me luck.


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