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Posts posted by Snaggletooth

  1. 1764942469_Venttailend.jpg.8cf64296be8db86986e2397ba87d091a.jpg1690902432_Ventfog.jpg.7220ceebbcfb7a8f9bbc017b3ee091df.jpgOh man, Been through this about 12 years ago on my '84 setup.  Even back then the shops had nothing to offer as replacement lens. Even online it was difficult to find anything in the size I needed.   I had a couple with minor cracks in mine.  After a year long search I did find a listing on eBay for a lot group offering of mixed lenses and chrome lens guards.  I bought the whole lot. LOL  Out of that I got one lens that fit and some NOS guards to fit.  I ended up filling the cracks with epoxy and wet sanding and polishing them back to a shiny finish.  I did mount some newer lights from aftermarket options to fill in the dark spots and the even replaced the side reflectors with lights on the rear bags and fairing. I did replace EVERY light bulb with LEDs to brighten them up.  Hate to say it but you're hunting for chicken lips on these.  With these  old girls ya just have to get creative most the time.  On the bright side... you're still two bullet lights ahead of me.  At least you have 3 to a side on yours. I still have to deal with that dark gap between mine.  Good luck.  You never know what might show up on eBay.  

  2. Was just talking to a friend and showed her these pics.  She just chuckled and said that reminded her of her days on her dads farm. Not the exact same as the pics but they used a very similar thing to lift and stack hay bails in their barn. They had a rail that circled the barn at the top rafters and with a pully arrangement that ran along the rail.  That suspended this type of attachment and it hooked the bail wires and so they could lift and move it anywhere in the barn to stack them.  Two girls on the lift rope and her dad on the guide rope.  She also remembers taking flying lessons from the loft on that set up.  

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  3. Be interested to see how they compare.  Been getting to experience the RI line of .45s so interested in what that 10mm will do.  Been wanting to go back to a long slide  

  4. Wow.... Just saw this tonight.  Deep regrets at his passing.  My deepest sympathies to his family.  Never had the pleasure of meeting him in person but got to know him a bit through emails and this site. He played a huge part in my success restoring my '84.  Not to mention moral support to not stop that project until it was finished. Along with the occasional package I'd find on my porch with some rare lil shiny bits and  pieces with a note.....  "I don't think you have one of these.... yet."

    See ya on the the other side my friend.   

    • Like 1
  5. Been a lil nuts here in Omaha the few days. Protests been going on everywhere. Some calm and orderly, some not some much. Been a lot of vandalism and damage done here. Curfews on and off this last week. It was mostly started in central Omaha then it moved downtown into the Old Market area. Sadly one young protester lost his life when he assaulted a business owner. So it keeps rolling. Today had it's own twist. Some 39 yr old guy stole a bulldozer from a construction site in Plattsmouth, just a bit south of Omaha. He was driving it north on Hwy. 75 toward downtown Omaha. He was intent on taking it the protest tonight to "Make a Statement". Lucky the LEO's got him stopped before he got where he was headed. I figure he'll be making "statements" to quite a few people now.


    So just hunkered down, staying prepared for the worst, and staying alert. Saw enough of this stuff here in '68, '71 and now again in 2020. Hoped to never see it again. I make it clear where I stand. Hope they walk around me.

  6. Hey Kevin. Still alive. Show my mug once in a rare while in the Chat room. Just been sitting out the this COVID 19 thing around here. I actually went out yesterday and scored a NE State Park permit. Probably won't be able to use it until late May or they say maybe even July. But yeah... I'm a lurker around here these days. Good to hear from you. Be safe.

  7. Errrrrrrr...duct tape...?


    Being in the Midwest we always have the option of corncobs. But from what was going on in downtown Omaha last night it seems Law Enforcement here has the option to cork you with a pepper ball to enforce the "10 Only Rule". Seems the public is not handling the closing of ALL city parks here very well at all. The general public mood here is slipping downhill.

  8. Like Bum I assume you're talking 1st Gen. On my '84 I've had those both in and out a few times since '07, seeing if there was any effect either way. Being here in the Central Midwest and being a year round rider I was curious myself. From my experience they don't seem to have any effect on cooling or engine temps. Looking at the design it seems the purpose of those shields was to deflect the engine heat down and away from the cockpit area. During trips in the 100 degree range you might feel a bit of difference behind the fairing. I've done a few road trips in the winter with temps in the low teens and can't say that really made any difference you could feel at road speed anyway. So that being said....... It's your call. They don't seem to effect the bikes performance at all other than perhaps defecting a little moisture away from some wiring if you're a rainy season kind of guy.

  9. Been getting nuts here in Omaha for a bit. A guy in the parking lot selling 4 packs of TP for $25.00 out of a van last week. Stores had none in stock. Many still don't. About everything is either closed up or only drive through service. Police are actually enforcing the 10 person limit rule now. Have concerns for my daughter. She moved to Kansas City a couple years ago and has been working there as a medical courier. She only has hospitals on her route now. One of her coworkers on the same route just tested positive this week for COVID 19. So this is going to get interesting around here. Haven't hit the "Shelter in Place" level yet...... But taking a lot of precautions now.


    Safe shot.jpgSOL.png

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