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Jerry W

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Posts posted by Jerry W

  1. hi folks

    just a little update on ponch as i know it. called ponch last week and left a message, no responce. i wish the best to him & litbite ( kathy ). ponch is a friend and will always be but i feel his days on the v/r site are over. there are more details & i don't have all of them, but something happend at the international rally in cody. to turn kathy off on the v/r site. at the hospital in houston after ponch's crash. (i was there) she said the v/r site was david's doings but not her's. i know i'am going out on a limb on this but i have felt that we are all family on this site but? some times limits are over streched, but we must always be respect full of our v/r family.

    best reguards

    don c.


    We went to the international rally in Arkansas, I understand where Kathy is coming from. I won't go to another.

  2. You did not offend me, that was just me being sarcastic.


    :bang head:


    I was a US Marine, I have had sergeants that prided themselves in being able to offend recruits try hard for 3 months at Parris Island to live up to that goal. I survived that, I can live with being poked at about my lack of grammatical skills.




    "I'm sensing a little sarcasm here. Will stop at that for now."


    Better watch that sarcasm - the above quote is what I got for using sarcasm on this site.

  3. Just tried, I can get on and write the PM but when I try to send I get the message I displayed before stating that I am either not logged on or do not have access to that. I can log back on, rewrite the message, hit send and get the message again. Guess I am done.



    OK.....I am mistaken then. Have you tried sending me a PM today?
  4. Don't know who sent you that PM, but it wasn't me. I have never sent a PM to you. I posted this thread a few days ago, but did not send a PM.



    I would love to help but I have looked and looked and see no problem on this end. I even logged in under your name and sent a test PM with no problem. You say it is every time you send a PM but I think I got a PM from you about this a few days ago. Try to send me another one and see if it works.

  5. Yep, my name is in the upper right corner. Like I said, everything works except the pm.


    If you start a PM and then walk away from the machine for like 30 minutes or 60 minutes that might happen. When your on you see your name in the upper right box right under the VrStore and Donate buttons ?
  6. Don't know if it is all Texans or not, I just tried to send a pm and here is the message I got.


    You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

    1. You are not logged in. Fill in the form at the bottom of this page and try again.
    2. You may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
    3. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

  7. Well, the reason I didn't feel it was my computer is that the only thing I was having trouble with was sending a pm on this site. When I tried to pm someone, I would get a message stating that I did not have access to that. I could then log back in, write the message again only to get the same results. Just struck me as funny that it would tell me I didn't have access to that particular feature.




    SECTION 1, Section 42.055(b) Penal Code is amended to read as follows:

    (b) A person commits an offense if, during the period beginning THREE HOURS(formerly 1 hr) before the service begins and ending THREE HOURS (formerly one hour) after the service is completed,the person engages in picketing within 1,000 feet of a facility or cemetery used for a funeral service.

    This has an effective date of 09/01/2011.

    This does not change our mission or the goal of the PGR. This DOES give us a bigger and better tool to work with when doing a KIA mission and working with local law enforcement officials in the prevention of any disturbances.

    Its just my humble opinion, but I believe this will now shut BC from entering Texas completely. As an example, if church services start at 10:00 AM, BC HAS TO BE DONE at 7:AM

    If the services ends at 2PM,WBC can not do anything til 5 PM.""


  9. Well, the threads I have made reference to are available to be read. I responded to a thread that asked why the posts had dropped off and replied as to what had happened to me. I was not attemtping to "get even" it has been stated in a pm. The question was asked and I answered. I did not respond to a thread being deleted, but I guess that is something that can not be documented. Think what you will, believe what you wish. I did not answer the question trying to stir up anything. However, I did pretty much figure how the tread would go when I answered.

  10. Freebird,

    I am thinking you have me mixed up with someone else on the issue of being upset because of political thread being deleted. I don't think political thread have any place on this forum and do not remember ever being upset because one was deleted. If you could give me some reference to that thread, I would appreciate it.


    As far at the facebook thread, I could have misunderstood your comments. Truly, it wasn't me on the politcal thread.

  11. Jerry, I notice your join date is Feb 2007 ... that's almost 4 years. That seems a little harsh after all that time. Either there's more to it than meets the eye or it's a "knee-jerk reaction". C'mon bud ... chill a bit and think it over ... and stick around.


    btw, Don did apologize.




    Here is my post that Don did not like. Again, show me a rule that I voilated.


    "What, a site that monitors and even censors the posts? The shame of it all, so glad this site does not do that."


    Like I said, it is his site and he can interpet the rules as he sees fit. Obviously, he has a problem with my posts so I will leave it with him.


  12. Well, I don't know about others but I am finished posting. I used sarcasm a while back in a post and Freebird came back accusing me of violating rules by using sarcasm. I asked which rule I violated and reread the rules and saw nothing against sarcasm. It is his web site and he can interpet the rules as he sees fit. I am waiting for my membership to run out and I am gone.

  13. Well, I'm not going to get into a public argument about it here. This is a subject that has been discussed here and voted on by the members more than once. We have few rules and the ones that we do have are made very clear before anybody has to decide if they want to officially join or not. I think that the rules we have in place are most acceptable to the majority here and that is the best we can do.


    Ok, I didn't know sarcasm was banned on this site. Also, what argument? I made a point and felt it was proven to be true. I will read the rules again.

  14. Don:


    I am pretty sure Jerry was being facetious and Tx2sturgis's post was addressing only the views that facebook takes on these issues.


    I don't know that anyone has a problem with the way things are managed here. :thumbsup2:


    Hey Beav,

    You were correct in your assumption, but I knew what the response would be when I made the comment.

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