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Posts posted by Hulign

  1. The 765 has an fm transmitter as well. But I use the headphone jack to my aux in and my own mic cable so I can make calls using my helmet mic. Works great!!


    Are there any inexpensive GPS that have an FM transmitter so we can hear them on headsets?


    Its dangerous to have to check the screen for every turn!

  2. Another vote for the 765 here, bought a 550 and other than the screen it wasn't all that great. It stuttered the music if making map changes. The 765 has been working awesome for a less than 200.00 investment including the ram mount, sunshade and power cord. Not waterproof but baggies are cheap!


    Good Luck



  3. 1/4-20 nylon wing nuts from lowes or home depot or any hardware store. just cross thread them on. after that they will screw on and off just fine.about 40 cents each.


    That's what I did. Cheap and works great...no tools needed.



  4. I was wondering how that one happened as well. Didn't see any follow up in the news at all. Seems they don't follow up on any of the stuff I want to know about.


    Ride safe all.

  5. Yet another call to Yamaha and they claim that their techs have never seen this sort of issue(missing bolts) on one of these bikes. She also made it a point to say that if there was an issue they would be the first to know about it.


    What a joke.

  6. Midrsv... I am still trying to decide what to do. I had to explain to them several times what was actually wrong and then when they finally figured it out they say the bike had to have been wrecked and the bolts were left out. They never even called Yamaha. It cost me 85 bucks and my bike was gone for a week and its still not fixed. All they did was install the bolts.


    I called Yamaha and got a brush off.


    Not sure what to do next.


    Who was your dealer? Thanks for any info




  7. Thanks Shamue!



    tx2sturgis Yeah I figured that out by now. The main thing now is I at least want it fixed right ONCE. After that it's anybodies guess. But right now if the outer fairing breaks they have no reason to fix it because they claim it's wrecked. I just want it on the books as an issue that happens and that they have tried to fix. I bought a bike with a warranty and they should honor that warranty.

  8. Eusa1 the problem is the dealer seems to think that the metal cage bracket doesn't fit properly. And because of this he is saying the bike has been wrecked. I have obviously been in there a few times and had zero issue out of this same bracket. I did take pictures to show that the bolts were missing and that it had been zip tied but the dealer thinks the zip tie is part of crash damage. He doesn't realize that this has happened to others. This is what I am trying to prove. I'm just looking for others that have had this repaired due to the missing bolts/zip tie



  9. If anyone reading this thread has had this issue would you please consider sending me as much detail as you can from these repairs? Invoices if you can. You can block personal info. I really want my bike fixed and this warranty issue fixed.





  10. Ok like others I have found that the bolts were left out of the metal strip at the top on the fairing. I did what I thought was the right thing. I took it to the dealer. Days later the dealer put bolts in the strip and told me the repair was good. They completely ignored the fact that the ends were broken loose at the well nuts. After several calls explaining to the dealer how the bike they sell was put together they finally see what the problem is. They claim the inner support is bent and that the bike must have been wrecked and that's why the bolts weren't there. So they are claiming no warranty on any of these parts. I called the Yamaha number? (800-962-7926) The lady said she called the dealer and said if the dealer said it's not something Yamaha would cover than it isn't...end of story.


    I'm beyond upset. I shopped long and hard to find a bike with 1089 miles on it and warranty so I wouldn't have this sort of problem.


    Anyone have any help or advice?



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