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Posts posted by mhaigwood

  1. I did pickup a seat pad from walmart, but the one I got was kind of a honeycomb gel pad for 20.00 it helped alots. Hunted for the clunck in the frontend but couldnt find it either, doesnt seem to effect the ride or handlng. Mark

  2. Left Monday morning from central coast of California for Texas. Made it to Phoenix Monday night, 567 miles. Got up early Tuesday, left Phoenix at 6 am tryig to make it through before traffic. Ended up in Van Horn, Tx. Tuesday night, 646 miles. Made it home 4pm the next day, 423 miles. The whole trip from Wa. state was around 2700 miles. the RSTD performed perfect, no complaints but the seat and the reach on the handlebars. The bike develop a clunck in the frontend when I hit a bump, cant figure it out. Anybody have a ideal what it could be? Thanks Mark

  3. Well made it to my cousins in Arroyo Grande, Ca. 1047 miles in two days. At the end of the trip I finally started to get full fuel runs (140-160 miles), before that after around a hour and a half had to stop and rest my behind. Wanted to get my seat redone by Rick Butler before I left, but he was on vacation. LilBeaver thanks for the tip on the ear plugs. Speaking of Walmart, before I left I picked up a Gel pad for my seat for 20.00. It works ok but cant wait to get my seat redone. Going to spend the weekend with my cuz and take off Mon. morning. Bike is doing great, only thing I realize need to change out the bars to get more pull back. Anyone have any sugestions, thanks ahead time. Mark

  4. Started my trip back to Texas today from Wa. state. The weather finally cleared, hopefully it will be good the rest of the trip. Didnt get as far as I wanted, my rearend isnt used to the long rides. Stopped in Grants Pass, Or. and had dinner with my sister. The goal tomorrow is Arroyo Grande,Ca. to visit my cousin. Bike is doing good, the whining is getting a little annoying. Good riding Mark

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