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Posts posted by Tigeress

  1. If the Baron guys can deliver on that statement, I would be ecstatic! Considering the fact that we are going on a week long trip at the end of this month, and I was really looking forward to more legroom with the new boards.



    The good news is that we really care about what we do and I am certain we have a floorboard product that does provide the extended legroom you are looking for and one that you will be 100% satisfied that I will happily provide to you. I look forward to hearing from you and getting you and your wife riding in more comfort.




    Baron Custom Accessories

  2. Thanks again, Gary and Anne, for opening your place up to all of us. Thanks also to Kris for roasting the pig. And Black Owl for the chili and all the pig fixings.


    Big Bob was on all of our minds this weekend, and I hope he recovers quickly.

    It was great seeing everybody. It was also great that we didn't have a drop of rain all weekend.


    I do think we should add one thing to the menu for PIP 2009....deep-fried rooster! I think everyone who camped this year will agree with me on that one. :thumbsup2:


    I didn't take a ton of pictures, but here is the link: [/url]http://www.tigeress.net/pork2008/

  3. Elisabeth, Super looking trike. Do you all get to ride much up there .(Saint Paul MN) ?How long have you had it ?If you have any questions on it just ask. Thats what I do is build Custom VW's an VW Trikes.Custom bikes also.



    This is my first season with it. I bought it in the spring, but had to work out several issues, so really didn't start riding regularly until the end of August.


    I'm actually still riding it. As long as the snow holds off, I'll probably still sneak it out. I have enough fairing that I don't have too much of a problem with windchill. Have ridden at 46 degrees so far without a problem.


    I always have questions about it..I may bug you once in awhile. :D


    Riding Free On Three

  4. Never said the bike was small. I said that it seems to be built for smaller riders with not much leg room. Inseam is subjective to how much built in padding your A$$ has. 34" and no butt isn't the same as 34" and lots of padding.



    The 2nd Gens have plenty of room for extra "padding." Juggler and I have tested some Harleys, but they just don't offer as much room for padding as the Venture does.


    I haven't heard of a driver yet that didn't have enough leg room. Highway pegs are usually all they need. Passengers with longer legs, like me, on the other hand, have issues with leg room. But I'm willing to bet I would have the same problem on a 1st gen too.


    Your best bet would be to sweet talk a 2nd gen owner into a test ride to see if you like them. Or a dealer, if you can find one on the showroom floor.



  5. or even those watching DVD movies on their dash board. :doh::confused24:


    Juggler and I really did witness this, this past weekend. It was nighttime, the DUMB driver had the DVD player sitting on the dashboard of the car with a movie playing.


    How pathetic is that? :buttkick:

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