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Posts posted by Naugh-T

  1. believe Brad did it again, our youngest daughter she is 16, has her first boyfriend over and Brad accidently hits the kid opening the garage door :buttkick: and he even called us ma'am and sir, I know his mom a little if he didnt call us that he would be in trouble, geez Brad



  2. 3:30pm and Im still in bed :big-grin-emoticon: Brad made me breakfast, brought it upstairs, and I didnt bother getting out, watched tv, went on the computer, better get up, going out tonight, hope everyone has a great new year, even Swifty :thumbsup2:Naugh-T

  3. The best gift having my mom here, my oma and opa came for a visit when I was 16 and gave me a necklace and charm, took it off maybe 5x since, being old like me it broke twice in the last year, so Brad thought it was time to retire it before I lose it,and bought me a new necklace, also some clothes, a couple Sarahs angels, and surprise a pair of boots, the past 3 days have been great we took my mom to a concert in toronto on the 23rd, 24th went to the falls to see the lights and fireworks, and today watching movies,on the new tv, eating the dinner mom made, we helped a little, its been a great few days with mom and kids



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