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Posts posted by Quickstep

  1. I'll take one of them there awards :big-grin-emoticon:


    Some years back bought a 1977 Honda CB750. Needed some work and then over the pit for inspection and licensing. Got knocked back the first time, so race home, do the necessary adjustments, and "no go"

    Dang near re-wired the thing before I noticed I had bumped the kill switch :bang head::bang head:

  2. [Annie typing]


    Seems to be an extreme way to get 250 people to come to 2011 MD :stickpoke:[joke]:crackup:


    I would like to thank you all for the thought, it's very humbling.


    Doesn't matter which airport, 'cause we will hire a vehicle on arrival and drive ourselves to Dons'. Annie needs something with the seat higher -- and we'll have her wheelchair etc. too.

    Don is the host of MD and needs to be concentrating on all

    that....and not worry about picking us up - okay.:thumbsup2:

  3. hi folks just a few lines to let you know that annie has broken her leg at the bone graft site . she is in hospital waiting for the specialist to check it out . we ask that you send out prayers for her speedy recovery annie will not be near a computor for while thank you all for being great friends see ya

  4. Well H*ll Yea... I'm down wit dat.:thumbsup2:..You Go girlfriend.:You_Rock_Emoticon:....Dat's wat I mean by Multi-tasking...:clap2:.... We fight dem foes :superman:while we git a buzz on:happy-emoticon:..:group cheers:...at the Bud factorie ....where dem big ole horsies stay...... wit dem big fuzzy feet.:dancefool::cool10:

    :sign woo hoo:


    U aint gotta ax me twice



    Strewth !! :yikes: If thats how ya end up talkin' after drinkin' the beer, I think I'll give it a miss :doh: Anyone got whiskey??I gotta keep the throat lubricated for spittin' those fence nails don't I :whistling:

    After we check out the brewery, and the horses, what great ride comes next? Yama Mama has the map, so let's spread it out on top of the trailer and choose which route to take shall we?:confused24:


  5. :backinmyday:We were all hiding somewhere is the forest, eating all that leftover chocolate and having a merry old time ourselves............Since the DragonSlayer was indulging himself in whimsy we all decided to let him frolic amongst his peers and eat the chocolate. After a while some of us began to realize that 20 lbs of chocolate and 2 kegs of beer dont mix very well and most of us were going into some sort of a sugar induced halucinagetic spasm:starz: and no one was in sight to help us....we were doomed, unless............


    Annie Typing!!


    Quickstep to the rescue!:) "c'mon everyone, start running around and around the bikes. If we do that for a while the sugar rush will get used up":fingers-crossed-emo Nothing gained - nothing lost? So everyone started to run around the parked bikes.

    Well, after a few minutes the atmosphere changed 'cause they were all on such a sugar high. Aussie Annie & Quickstep proceed to do a fast polka, Ruffy starts dancing like a ballerina, up high on his toes, and twirling in circles. Yama Mama looks like she is doing her floor routine at the gymnastics, and massey130, Geez will you look at what he is trying to do:Bunny2: "Elvis eat your heart out" :whistling:now about this time our "kite flying, modest VR rider (guess who?) catches up with us and cannot believe the scene in front of him :confused07::confused24: What the!!!!! He looks at everyone dancing and prancing and decides....................................

  6. fluff filled BELLY BUTTON!!:wow:Now what design are we going to tattoo on this magnificent specimen of a biker????????????



    (Annie typing !!)


    Never mind what tattoo:smilies6: Massey130, where's me Missus -- and how the heck is she gettin' to the airport:icon_smile_question:icon_smile_question I hope you people plan to send her back to Oz:p I got washing piling up over here and...................

  7. A long white limo came rolling down the highway. It had tinted windows and we were finding it hard to see who was sitting in the back.

    As the car slowed to a stop...it was Donald Trump, inviting us to stay in the Towers..Taters got very excited and knew that Becky, and Lou Anne, along with Rawhide would...


    (Annie typing)


    love to go skinny-dipping in his private pool - champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, wondering how the other half lives. Just then the elevator doors opened and out stepped Snarly Bill and Dooder1, and brought us back to reality by saying.....................

  8. G'day all,


    Wanted to introduce myself..... Alan Collins is the name - and Aussie Annie is me missus.:innocent: I joined the site as a way of saying thank you to you all for your encouragement and help you have given to Annie, in her endearvour's to return to riding.


    I get a chuckle out of reading some of the posts, and find the tech stuff interesting.:clap2:

    I won't post often, me and 'puter's don't go together:crying:

    How I got the Nickname...

    Many years ago while driving trucks long distance (all states of Australia) I pulled up at a roadhouse for a rest break. Walking back from prime mover, and 38 foot trailer I reach the back when the trailer brake decides to give out - and the whole rig starts moving!!:scared: I turn and start running back along the trailer, keeping pace with the thing I am now trying to open the Bl##*y door :scorched:Finally manage to clamber aboard and hit the emergency brake!:bowdown: When I finally get into the roadhouse all the other driver's say they never saw anyone "step so quick" And the nickname was born:happy65::happy65:

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