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Aussie Annie

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Posts posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Hi to all our Dear friends at VR.Org


    I know I haven't posted in here for the longest time.....but the past 12 months or so haven't been good to me. My PTSD has been pretty bad, and aggrevated by an accident I had last June. Had to take evasive action to prevent hitting riders when traffic conditions suddenly changed in front of me!! My body faired a bit better than my trike, but it is all repaired now and back on the road. Took the opportunity to change the colour from blue/black to Sedona Orange and black.

    Sometimes life and family seem to take over a little and things go by the by, and you just try to function and take one day at a time. (Have kept up with some of you via FB

    In that space of time have also lost friends to the dreaded cancer.


    At the end of last year we decided there would be one last big holiday.....so we leave soon to go on a cruise to New Zealand, Tahiti, Hawaii....and leave the cruise in L.A. 4th May. We will be in the States for a shorter stay, so won't get to see too many of you :crying: but will catch up with some Venture Rider family. States we will be in are: Utah, Missouri, North Carolina, Florida, Louisiana and Texas. Just wish we had more time to see more of you!!

    Ya'll keep drawing us back :australia:

  2. Cannot take this in ...... So totally in shock


    Dan and I had been sharing messages, and photo’s of the new trike over the past week, he was so excited about finding one at last.

    My heart goes out to Patsy and the family

  3. We enjoyed meeting videoarizona and his lovely wife Pat today. They were kind enough to bring us a goodie bag of products from around here in Tucson. They then took us to dinner, where we enjoyed great conversation, and a nice Mexican meal. Love meeting new Venture Riders 👍


  4. Alan and I spent a nice time with Utadventure (David) and his lovely wife, Jan. Was great to catch up with them, and our other friends in Salt Lake City.

    Friends, Susan and Don once again extended a kind invitation for us to use their condo in Las Vegas, and so we spent three nights in Vegas.....Boy it's grown since we were there last !

    Today we travelled to Tucson, Arizona...and its hot! When we passed through Phoenix it was 115F :yikes:

    Tomorrow we are planning to spend some time with a VR member, videoarizona, and his lovely wife.

    Then we head toward Texas........

  5. We met up with Patti and Don yesterday afternoon in their RV park at Island Park, Idaho.

    Today we had a very enjoyable day with them touring through the top section of Yellowstone National Park.

    We have plans to meet for breakfast tomorrow, then off to spend the day together


  6. We left Sturgis, and headed for Casper, WY for an overnight stay. Today we arrived in St Anthony, ID and we are here for five days. We are catching up with B2mom and B2dad, who are going to be up the road in an RV park near West Yellowstone in a couple of days.

    The drive through the Teton National park was great, and the traffic and tourists in Jackson Hole was amazing....looked like New York !!


  7. We've enjoyed our two days here in Sturgis. There have been a few changes since our first visit in 2011. We drove up to the Crazy Horse monument today to look at the progress since our last visit. Then a call in to Black Hills H-D for a look see. Finished our day back in Sturgis with dinner and drinks at the Knuckle Saloon. Tomorrow we head to Wyoming.


  8. Finally made it to Toronto !!


    Just booked in to our hotel ( not impressed :yikes::yikes:) Oh, well it's some where to sleep.


    We are at the Knights Inn

    117 Pembroke Street

    ph: 1-416-925-8456. Room 118


    Thank you for putting together the short notice meet and greet, we appreciate it very much.

  9. Hi folks,


    We boarded last night to find we had no wifi on board the train :yikes: We have just arrived an hour late to Jasper, Alberta....and we have an hour stopover.

    So here we sit in a Tim Horton's using their wifi and having a coffee :-)


    So, may not hear much from us, but the Aussies are okay :australia:

  10. We have stayed in the YWCA Hotel for two days, and very impressed with it all. Comfy room, and beds, kitchens with your own lockable food draw, laundry, small coffee shop in foyer....... and easy walk to a restaurant or pub.

    Had a great meal last night in an Italian restaurant next door!

    The hotel were kind enough to extend out check out to 1pm. We board the train tonight for our journey across Canada to Toronto

  11. So we are together with Evan and Anne, and were discussing the Toronto itinerary. So when are Annie and Al in Toronto to enjoy the company of Real Canadians and teach them a thing or two.


    We arrive by train on Saturday. :dancefool:

  12. Gee if you wanted a cruise to go on you should have let me know. Me and my canoe could have taken you for a nice cruise. only stipulation is you have to help paddle but think of the money you would save. But then I heard the Alaska cruise is real nice. My sister in law was on that and really liked it.


    Uh Carl............... rumor has it among Dutch circles that your teddy took advantage of one of your nappy times to jump overboard. Something about it being either that or being around while you speechified it to death. Apparently you used poor teddy to practice on............A lot



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