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Yama Mama

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Posts posted by Yama Mama

  1. I came on board last year and couldn't agree more about this group. Good people is what makes a group like this succeed. No If I could get my wife more comfortable on the back. . . . . .

    There is no more "comfortable" place on a bike than the "couch" of an RSV!


    Yama Mama:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

  2. Hey Peggy, enjoyed this story about you and your first husband, as well as all the other stories and conversations you start. You have been a major reason this site has stayed active for as long as it has. Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of meeting you and Ron at a gathering knows just how special you are. You have always been so warm and welcoming to Kim and I and are always good for a laugh and a funny story. Guess I just wanted to let you know you are a big reason in why this family has stayed together for so long.

    Look forward to seeing you both this summer.


    Dear Craig and Kim, That really touched my heart. You and Kim have always been special people in our family. I am so happy that Ron and I have gotten to know you. We have always had a lot of fun together and you both mean the world to us.

    This was such a kind thing for you to say. I hope that we will get to be together this summer. This brings up the point I was trying to make with this post. This family of motorcyclists is so much more than people who like to ride. It is made up of really good friends who enjoy being together.

    Bless you and Kim, and everyone here.

    Yama Mama

  3. Not to be sentimental or anything, but I thought I would say what our 99RSV and the Ventureriders have meant to my husband and my lives. We bought our 99RSV back in 2002. From that point on our lives changed for the better. We first of all were very excited about the possibility of traveling on our new to us bike. Up to this time we had had a 1990 Honda 500 CB, which we thought was a "big" bike. No it was not big and we sure could not travel on it. Our kids were all pretty much grown and now we could start to live our lives as a couple again. I think the first trip we went on was to the Smokey Mountains. Since then we have traveled a lot on our RSV 99 including to Sturgis in 2009.

    In the mean time Ron found various motorcycle groups and some how he came upon Ventureriders. Joining this group has changed our lives for the better. We have made so many friends and have had so much fun just because we bought that beautiful RSV 99.

    Thank you Don for forming this group it means a lot to us.

    I just wanted to say that for whatever it is worth.

    Yama Mama431670_3493915513371_1065424778_n.jpg

  4. Hi Mama,, Tip says Hi too!! Glad to see you posting!! We just got in from Cali.. Daughter there gave us 1 more grandson on the 21st - hot dogs for everyone = blessed again!! Made it home just in time for 3 year olds b-day party today.. 3 year olds mom (Daughter number 3) is gonna burst any day now with another grandson.. Collecting Grandkids is actually as much fun as collecting scoots = life is grand (grand children)!! Still love the boots sister!! Proof that Bum won the huggeroni.. Maybe Carl this year!!

    Gotta run,, gotta really cool present for my Grandson and got a 2 hour drive to give it to him and the party starts at 4 LOL..



    Hi Puck,

    Congratulations on the new grandchild. Tell Tip I said hi too. We have five grandchildren now, and they are our life right now, but I still like leather too.

    Yama Mama




    Now that you mentioned rematch Marcarl will be hugging every fence post, tree and telephone pole along the side of the road in an attempt to win the title. Hope he does not end up with too many splinters :2132:



    I sure hope Marcarl is not that lonely. I promise to judge fairly. I think I got lost in the moment last time.


    Yama Mama

  6. Well I do appreciate your continuing efforts on my behalf and Yes it was me that won the contest but there have been jealous forces at work trying to undermine my title, so I can see how you may be having difficulty in remembering.

    :bighug::canada:[/QUO I always try to do my very best at all of my efforts. Some, of course, are easier than others. Perhaps this year at MD we should have a rematch just to make it fair. It is just a suggestion. I do not want to cause any more trouble than I usually do.

    I just try to keep the peace.

    Yama Mama:bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::usa::usa::usa::usa:

  7. We are still on two wheels for the time being. I was not riding for a while, somehow I kept thinking wow I could get real hurt. But I noticed Moped was not happy about that decision, so I decided to be brave and get back in the saddle. So last year I rode with him. He seemed pleased that I did.

    Our bike is still running like a new one even though it is a 99. Moped does not seem to want to get a three wheeler, although I know it would be much easier for him to handle.


    Yama Mama1469852_10202807705660481_323308771_n.jpg

  8. Yama Mama

    If I had seen you with your leathers on I would have judged you too.

    Starting with Whoou Whooo Baby!


    Or Hi my name is Bubber. I can't decide which to go with first.


    Maybe "Yippy Ki A Cowboy"


    Or " Ohhhhhhh Baaabbby


    But then again I am the shy type.


    Thanks for the pictures.


    Hi Bubber, I remember you very well. Glad you are on here to say howdy hi. How have you been?


    Yama Mama

  9. Hey how come I never got to see you in those.:bighug::whistling:



    It is too hard to get my legs up over the passenger seat. I will keep trying until I can get it right.

    Just for you Ben!

    I cannot remember did you win the hugging contest at MD?

    Yama Mama

  10. I think once again we have gotten off track from the original subject. The subject was when you are dressed in your leathers do you feel people are forming an opinion about you? I think this is probably more true with women. I think women tend to form opinions about other women because of how they are dressed. Especially women who do not ride motorcycles, they think everyone on a motorcycle is part of a gang. It is due to ignorance actually, that is the whole problem.

    Now with me, I could care less about what others think. I have always been partial to leather.

    It is my happy place.


    Yama Mama

  11. I thinks, I sees where this is going, but on this particular day I left my whips in the trunk. I think this is where I need to show my boots photo. Freebird alway has loved this one.


    Yama Mama86c8fa2216e132abad684fb6cf0a0924.jpg

  12. Have you ever been out on a ride, and you stop somewhere for some reason. Now, I oftentimes wear my leather pants, and my leather jacket if it is cold out. You know I dress for the elements.

    So I notice people who are not on motorcycles looking at me in my leathers. I think they think that I am not as good as they are just by the way they look at me. Can you believe it, they are judging me. Yes, they think because I am on a motorcycle and I am wearing leather pants and a leather jacket that I am obviously not as good as they are. Of course, they have no idea I am Yama Mama. I am sure if they knew that it would be a lot different.

    I am not offended at all. In fact, sometimes I think it is really funny. Perhaps sometimes, I may accentuate the positive with my little outfit. I recently was at one of our Grandson's soccer games. We rode the motorcycle and I had on my leather gear. I saw a woman with a beautiful husky dog, so there I am in my leather jacket, my leather pants, carrying my helmet. I commented on how beautiful the dog was. The woman gave me a dirty look and walked away.

    I did not really care actually, but I would have liked to have met the dog. I was not interested in the woman at all.

    So I guess the point of this whole thing is who cares. They probably are jealous that they do not own a motorcycle.

    Yep, that is the way I see it. They are just plain jealous.

    Have a nice day!


    Yama Mama:happy65::happy65::happy65::happy65::happy65::happy65:

  13. Well, the temps are dropping now in Cincinnati. I guess my desire to ride the bike is down to a dwindling faint possibility now. How sad is that? I say really disappointing. But there is always tomorrow, who knows we still might get to ride our 99 RSV.

    We have owned this bike since 2002 and it only had 4000 miles on it at the time. What a great bike it has been to us. I do not think there could be any better bike ever made. I have always thought it was such a shame that Yamaha never promoted the RSV here in the US. Of course, not everyone can handle a bike as big as this is, but it has never let us down.

    Oh, the battery let us down but not the bike. Our original battery lasted seven years, so we have been spoiled.

    Happy New Year to everyone here!


    Yama Mama

  14. #372 I guess this proves I am older than dirt. I never knew I had a number before this post came about.

    I became a member, August 17, 2006. And many have said they had my number but I thought they meant something else.

    Yes and I was here when the site crashed too. I just remember all the photos that were lost.


    Moped and I have been here since Freebird graduated from high school. Well maybe not that long, but I remember the last time I was talking to Bongobobny at the MD in June. We were listing the members who just disappeared from the site. The ones we used to chat with all the time in the VR chat room. I guess many of you have no idea how popular the chat room was back then.

    We all became friends before we had even met each other in person. Yammer Dan, Bongobobny, Dray, Ruffy, and Mini Muffin and I would be on there planning our Toga parties. So much fun and such great memories.


    Yama Mama

  15. Hmm, are you guys ever getting old!


    Its Yama Mama in leathers! Don't ya'll remember the last image of Mama in leathers?

    Hope you get a new battier, jeepers man, she's just teasing us;)

    Patch[/QUOTe [font=comic sans ms]I say you are as old as you feel. Enough said. We just keep on moving about until someone tells us we should stop.


    Yama Mama


  16. Hi Everybody,

    Ron and I were all ready to go on a ride today. The temperature was 56. I got out our helmets. I got on my favorite leather

    jacket. Put on the doo rag, and helmet. I even added a nice white scarf to the ensemble. I am waiting to get on our RSV 99 which has been collecting a little dust for a month or more.

    Well to make a long story short, the battery which we had the trickle-down charger on for weeks, was totally and completely dead.

    Very disappointing to say the least. We wanted to end 2019 with a big bang.


    Merry Christmas to everyone,


    Yama Mama and Moped.

  17. Hi Guys, I am still around. Moped and I have been riding again. That crazy RSV99 just keeps running like it is new. Who would of thought it.

    We are well and enjoying the fact we are doing well even though we live in a town of a bunch of losing teams. Nobody is perfect that is why we live here I guess.

    But at any rate, I hope everyone is well and keep safe.

    Yama MamaElla,,,,,, First Grade photo 557.jpg

  18. Ron and I have known Bob for many years. Our condolences to Becky and family. I feel so bad about losing another brother. I used to chat with Bob in the VR chat room. We would always have a lot of fun together. First we lose Yammer Dan and now Bob. I hope they are in heaven riding around together. God Bless your Bob. Yama Mama

  19. We made it home safe and sound. We rode up to Lake Erie and rode around. We did not get home until late last night.

    Thank you, Don and Eileen for being so kind to all of us. It was a wonderful time.

    Also the I am still resting from the hugging contest. I really will have to call a tie so we can try again next year.

    Yama Mama

  20. We are riding to the MD next weekend and I have not ridden since last June. This would not be possible if we did not have an RSV. I am sure the couch will still be as compfy as ever. Or at least, I am hoping. Just a 3 1/2 hour ride. No problem.

    I never thought this would ever happen to me.

    Yama Mama



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