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Posts posted by CdnDave77

  1. Thanks fellas...


    Although it is still a little fresh, I am thinking this is going to be a good thing. I wasn't the happiest there anyways, but had been looking forward to doing more when I assumed the next position. Deep down, I would love to get out of automotive altogether, but all the other industry is slow too.


    And Marcarl.. I was going to volunteer to burn a vacation day to offer a set of hands and a pickup truck on your moving day regardless. Now I don't even have to fill out any paperwork. And since I am going to have lots of time, I am available for pre-move general repairs/paint/etc if you need a hand.


    If only working on old motorcycles could generate my former income... I'd be in heaven.

  2. Up until yesterday afternoon, I was the Operations Manager for a small high-tech auto parts manufacturer. We had certainly seen some tough times over the last 18 months, but I used the slower pace to coach/teach all the employees/supervisors/managers to function more as a team and be fairly self reliant. I had been told I was to assume a higher role in January, and wanted the Operations side of the business to look after itself while I focused on getting our Engineering & Sales back on track.


    Well, apparently, the budget we had submitted to the parent corporation was unacceptable to them and they demanded more cuts. Since Operations was running smooth and the team could handle almost anything on their own, guess who was now redundant...


    Anyways, my direct boss seemed quite legitimately upset by it... moreso than I was really. I certainly got a decent package (compared to the current environment), so I am ok for a few months.


    But geez, you do exactly the right things, and look where it gets you...:doh:

  3. A previous owner put a aftermarket car radio into my 83 Venture Std, with some 4 inch speakers in the dash. I believe he/she removed the left side dash pocket, made a quick mount for the radio, connected in the wiring, added an antenna at the rear, plastic welded in the radio to the dash pocket, and called it done. It works, and works quite well, but truthfully I don't use it all that much. I can take a couple of pictures if that would help (send me a pm if interested).


    What I do use is an aftermarket intercom (AutoCom), so I can (a) talk to the passenger if/when need be (b) play music through an iPod © connect a cell phone or CB radio if I wish. The in-helmet speakers give you much more clarity for the music you are listening to than any dash speakers - you don't have to have it blasting to hear it over the engine/wind at highway speeds. Just a thought...

  4. You're quasi-science was pretty much bang on. I am a certified Six Sigma Blackbelt, so experimental design and statistics to test/explain it all are in my background... and you guys did good.


    Any outside variables/influences (weather, handling, roadhardness, weight fluctuation of the riders, etc), were all kept even between the two. One possibility (although it is extremely remote) is that one bike could have lost some tire pressure along the way, and therefore decreased mileage... but seriously, it's negligible. Well done ! There are all kinds of statistical tests to calculate confidence level, etc... but you proved the point.


    After having my '83 eat plugs on a regular basis, I thought I would do an experiment of my own and throw 1 test set of Iridiums in. I could not discern a difference at all, and mileage remained the same. I also had been told that it should start better... and it MIGHT do that, but the old girl didn't have that much of a "hot start" problem to begin with, even with the original battery cables (new set going on this winter when she's stripped to get painted). So my conclusion : was worth the money once to me to prove it wasn't worth the money to ever repeat. Now, that being said, I am hoping these last for quite a while. I should mention that I have eased up on the Seafoam usage-ratio that I had been using...


    And, for what it is worth, a good Canadian rye or single malt Highland Scotch (12 yrs or above) has been statistically proven to help in experiments such as the one you guys completed.:thumbsup2:

  5. Just a thought : turn your 4-way hazard switch on and off a few times and make sure it is working. That switch overrides your turn signals (on my 83 anyways). I was completely stumped, wondering why my turnsignals all of a sudden failed to operate after my 4 yr old had been sitting on her Daddy's bike for a bit. Although the 4-ways weren't on, the switch wasn't quite fully off, and had interupted the turn signal circuit. An hour of probing all over with my multimeter hadn't yielded any results, when my "little angel" (let's call her) sat on the bike and turned the 4-ways on again. Once I shut them off, the turn signals worked.:doh:

  6. Thanks for the tip.. I had the exact same thought last night, and since I needed to top my oil up a tad, I did a quick synch on the carbs and brought my idle rpm's down a hair. There is a burble or mild pop on the decels now, but not a distinct backfire, and I can happily live with that. Obviously one (or more, I suppose) butterfly(s) were open allowing a lean mixture when decelerating.


    I did pick up a set of used carbs this summer.. I'll open them up and check the decel diaphrams. If they look good, I'll look at throwing them in the carbs over the winter. I might even spring for new ones so I don't have to think about them again.


    Loving those MAC's tho... I'm not sure where I like them most : 3500 rpm cruising speed or 6000 rpm shift point. It's all good.:banana:

  7. No, my lovely bride hasn't offered to cut the grass since the incident - go figure.


    And, Wayne, I would have loved to go for a Tuesday night ride, especially last night, but I was in front of my laptop madly hacking nickels & dimes out of next year's operating budget for work (insert "blood from a stone" analogy here). This is my fourth submission to the parent company... it's not my fault the entire world is is a recession !


    I am not confident I can make the Labour Day ride either, or I would have committed by now. I have been trying to juggle family commitments to ensure that day was open, but it looks like I may have to pass.


    The one thing I did notice about the MAC's is that I have a very distinct popping on a decel.. It disappears if I pull in the cltuch. I doubt it is tied to the pipes though. Maybe I just didn't notice it before ? I am thinking it may be the decel-circuit in the carbs.. they have separate diaphrams which I bet have never been looked at.

  8. I was one of the first to jump on Condor's MAC muffler offer a few weeks ago. They arrived safe & sound & looked awesome in the box. I had to wait for the never-ending rains to finally move through, and MacGyver some impromptu gaskets as the previous owner (or at least one of the 5 previous owners) had used a metal reinfoced muffler tape in place of proper gaskets.


    I happened to mention that in my thanks to Condor, via a PM, and lo and behold, the man sends me gaskets ! From California all the way to Ontario ! Thanks again, Jack. I got them today, and had them installed in less than 20 minutes.


    I think they look world's better than the original stockers I had as they were a little beat up. Worse, they were full of deteriorated baffle pieces and sloshed like 30 pound maracas. The new MAC's sound incredible - it's actually a motorcycle now ! Not obnoxious, but a definite rumble, and I really, really like it.


    So, the prerequisite pics : I apologize if the quality isn't the greatest - I used a new software package tonight to resize these, and I think the sharpness degraded quite a bit. The first pic is the bike (obviously) with my other new baby, 2009 Dodge Ram Crew Cab 4x4 with the 390 HP 5.7L Hemi (very fun). The second shows a better pic of the muffler. Please ignore the big hack on the bikini panel on the right side of the bike as I am still burning about that (search threads using "pine cone").


    Best of all, we finally have a week here that is 100% sunshine. It's just real cold in the morning (about 42 degrees F this morning), but that sure doesn't stop me.


    Thanks again, Jack !

  9. There is a lot of good advice in the above posts.


    I was just trying to be a nice, decent guy when my first marrriage ended. And I have been regretting it ever since - if it hasn't been one thing, it has been another. I gave her the house and everything in it (rather than have her buy me out), paid spousal support for much longer than I normally would have, etc. Eventually, she failed to convert the mortgage into her name per the timing set out in the separation agreement, and when the spousal support ended, just stopped paying the mortgage (still in my name). Then, she moved and abandoned the house ! Years of lawyers, & associated bills, the house is finally sold (last month) and I am no longer financially tied to her whatsoever (aside from child support which I would never begrudge). But I would estimate I have had to pay an additional $25,000 over and above what was originally agreed upon in a signed legal separation agreement.


    Stand now, or you'll really regret it.


    By the way, I am happily remarried now to a wonderful woman with 2 more charming little girls. Things do work out.


    PS: you know why divorce is so expensive ? Because it is WORTH IT...



  10. My oldest daughter was a very nervous passenger.. loved to ride, but had her eyes shut tight most of the time.


    Once I installed the intercom system on my ride (I have a Std.. not the VR), because I could talk to her easily and she could talk back, her fears went away - almost immediately. Just being able to communicate without shouting, an dme talking to her as we approached corners, or came alongside trucks, etc, on a 4-lane road, allowed her to relax and enjoy the experience..


    Just a thought...

  11. I've been out with marCarl & Wizard765 for a handful of evening rides, and we generally don't get back until well after sunset. Until very recently, it was downright cold after dark, but lately the heat and humidity have cranked back up to summer levels.


    If we can figure out how to get Carl's knee to bend without snapping again, we'll be right back at it.

  12. It may well have been yours, Randya... I've picked up quite a few tips/tricks from your posts.


    Wish I hadn't had the reason to post it (ie: if it never had happened), but thought I would pass it along. For the 2 ounces that the wrench, hose and smal rag that I keep in the rear case weigh, I think it is one of the handiest investments I've made, and one of the best ones to recommend to others.


    I'll get to cleaning out that master cylinder ASAP. I actually enjoy riding on an open freeway (a lot don't), but I certainly didn't like sitting at the side of one wondering if some other vehicle was going to make my kids orphans.

  13. As a not-so-glamorous part of my job, I occasionally have to visit suppliers when they are giving us grief. I shouldn't have to do it, I don't really like to do it, and they really don't like me to do it. Sigh..


    Anyways, I have to make a trip to Brampton, Ont, which is about 150 km (90 miles) from my house. Today was supposed to be the first nice day in ages (no thunderstorms) and I haven't been on the bike in over a week. So, I decide "What the heck.., I am taking the bike." The trip there was fantastic - the 401 (major highway) rolled right along with none of the typical backups and delays that seem to be an indication of summer in Ontario. I get there, I listen and nod politely to the excuses/misdirection.. cut through it all as best I can, have them draft up some action plans, arrange with my business to give them a break on tomorrow's delivery so they could actually do what I requested, and then I head back out.


    It's warm & humid, but not unbearable like it has been the last few days. I jump onto the bike, head back to the 401 (highway) to go home - I had been on surface streets for about 10 mins, the temp gauge was reading normal, everything going just fine, when the bike starts to lug a bit. Then much more dramatically...


    "hmmm.." I am on the on-ramp to the highway already trying to merge onto 4 full lanes of traffic doing 70 mph (compared to my 50) and the bike is straining like it is giving birth. I am running out of ramp, but there is a nice paved shoulder. Hit the 4-way flashers, navigate as best I can to the shoulder, and as soon as I pull in the clutch, both wheels lock.


    "Whoah !".... keep things upright, but there were some tense moments. Shut the bike off, try to push it: no go - full lock. That nice super-heated-brake-pad odour fills my helmet.


    My mind flashes back to a previous post that recalled the brake fluid on a hot humid day expanding to the point where the linked front & back brakes locked. The suggestioon was to keep a 8mm wrench handy. I had taken it to heart, had the wrench, plus a 16inch length of hose to slip over the bleeder.


    Aside from some very choice expletives about how close the passing vehicles were as I was madly bleeding off the excess brake fluid, I had no issues whatsoever and was back mobile within 10 minutes.


    So, to whomever posted that suggestion, I (and my family) heartily thank you:thumbsup2:.


    Postscript : I have ridden in some hot weather, and had no issues. All the fluid was near last year when I picked up the bike in August. Any ideas why all of a sudden things decided to lock up ?


    PPS: And, for information's sake, I got off the 401 at the next exit, found a quiet parking lot and gave the bike a good once over. Then proceeded to thoroughly test the brakes, and found no issues. Regardless, I completely changed the brake fluid (front and rear) once I got home.


    Thanks again - this group is fantastic.

  14. After having countless knee injuries through hockey, running and triathlons, I can tell you they hurt.. however, IF you keep icing it every hour to get the swelling down, move it as gingerly as you can (for a min or two BEFORE you ice it again) so that the stretched tendons don't adhere to everything around them, and take it easy, you will heal quick.


    Hopefully quick enough that you're still going to be good to go.


    Baseball ? I hope you at least tagged the runner trying to steal home...

  15. Those crash tests sure look violent.. and they are. But mostly the data is generated by the impact on the dummies, contact points of the dummies on the vehicle (and vice versa)and the net intrusion into the cockpit/passenger area. The car is supposed to deform to absorb some of the crash energy. But even with all those airbags, having your entire body change direction that fast cannot be good for you.


    Most of the crash tests used to be direct head-on... the offset tests (in the video), either with a car or barrier came in a few years ago and they reflect closer to what truly happens in an accident and a lot of cars lost their "good" ratings.


    The biggest issue that isn't commonly spoken of is shown quite clearly in the video : the bounce & spin. The cargo/passenger area may pass the test for intrusion on the 1st collision, but a secondary collision with another vehicle, a guard rail, tree, etc at even more random angles can have a greater impact.


    But, if we demanded vehicles to be absolutely perfectly safe... we wouldn't have our bikes.

  16. I've worked in the auto industry for my entire career, and no matter what designers/engineers come up with, they cannot change the laws of physics: Mass (weight) wins every time.


    Did you notice the crash dummy in the Mercedes didn't even hit the air bag ?


    I see so many of those little Smart cars running around here. I suppose I shouldn't disparage them or their owners as I wouldn't appreciate it if it were applied to me (motorcyle/large pickup). But I just cannot understand why anyone would want one...

  17. Is that "cannister" your YICS chamber ? A black molded chamber with 4 hoses running to it ?


    The previous owner may have disconnected it... I removed mine (as many others suggested). Search on "YICS removal" and you'll get tons of info. Send me a PM if you can't find it..


    As for the heat sheilds, leave them out & call it good riddance - I can't believe Yamaha had them in there in the first place... complete waste.

  18. Darn, I was on my way home from work last night and was wondering if you fellas were headed out on a tour. It was a perfect night for it.


    I am on vacation the next two weeks (all four kids - camping one week, family cottage the next), but I am definitely up for another ride after I get back.


    Take care, guys.

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