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krome rose

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Posts posted by krome rose

  1. Here is what a Volusia 800 sounds like through the various stages of being DeBaffled and then putting in Diamond Jim's Fibrosleeve Mod.


    I think it's a great sound for about $15.00 worth of material.


    Thank you SaltyDawg for making my ride sound so much better!!:bighug:




  2. Just saw it!!! She looks as cute as I thought she would! BTW, that's a "butterfly kiss" I sent to her. Perhaps a warmer day will sneek in here this week for a ride with Dad. And Haylie is most welcome.


    Wayne and I are planning to attend Maintanence Day ...will we be able to meet?



  3. Obviously ,the judge waited for the lawyer to show. An interesting and stinky way to postpone a case, if the lawyer does it again he might be held in contempt. Just stick it out...the lawyer is trying to lessen the anger by lengthing the time until the case is heard.


    How's everyone else holding up?



  4. We will miss you two! Wayne and I are looking forward to seeing you again. It does,however, appear that Laura is already spoken for, doing good works, and you certainly have true reason for not making this trip.


    See you on the 3rd of January, perhaps!



  5. Exactly. For whatever specific reason, colds and sinus infections are associated with winter...and for some of us the rest of the seasons,too!


    Saltydawg rides no matter what everyday to work about 55 miles one way. He needs an IV oil drip for his RSV!

  6. Have you read the new Full Throttle article regarding Concerned Bikers Association's lobbying efforts to provide a helmet optional clause?


    It's a 3 tiered endorsement with fines and fees enclosed, including a $75.00 experienced rider validation fee annually for a special stamp to be placed on your plate so that police know you have paid to be stupid.... strike that, have paid and chosen not to wear a helmet. Among many things about this proposal...how many motorcycles do you own?.. times $75.00.


    I guess CBA feels that covering state hands in money will buy them the "freedom" to not wear a helmet Novice rider validation fee is a special one - time motorcycle endorsement fee of $10.00 for each plate issued.


    It's craziness. Let's talk.


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