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Posts posted by BJB

  1. Beautiful bike Gary. Hope you really enjoy it. If you are ever heading west in the flatlands of Sask be sure to drop in or meet at least. They call us the "Gap" between Alberta and Manitoba but you are more than welcome!

  2. I looked it up, $71. per pair for pistons & seals (2 pair needed) from flatout mc, the choice is your on the source & what to replace. But some things I have priced there is $50. cheaper there, than at bikebandit. I wouldn't even ask the local dealer, as with prior experience from him, at least twice the flatout price.


    I found those also...good price. However, Flatout says I need two. Squeeze says I need four, and my manul (printed off this site for 86-93) on page 6-14 says I need four.


    If I take the caliper off, then brake fluid will drain out of the hose, correct? Should I put hose end in container and activate rear brake foot lever until it quits pumping fluid? Introduces air but what else can I do? The fluid is probably colored to some extent and should be changed anyway.


    Is there a good way to get these pistons out of the caliper? If I do manage to get them out, do they have to go back into the same hole ie don't mix them up? Thought I read somewhere about using forced air to get pistons out? What about seals...do they stay in or come out with pistons? Sorry for so many questions but have never done this before.

  3. I have a 1989 Venture. When I crawled underneath to get a good look at my brake pads I found this. Hope the pics show it well enough. The pad to the outside of the wheel (ie right side of bike when sitting on it) has worn at a very bad angle. The other pad is not as bad, but actually has the opposite wear angle. Obviously, the pads need replacing. I suspect the pistons and seals as well? Are there only two pistons in the rear calibre? That is what local Yamaha dealer says....at about $113 each and another $50 for pads. Is there a cheaper source online? Should I get a kit and redo the master rear as well? Thanks.

  4. Since I have half the bike torn apart, I thought I may as well see what's under the travel

    trunk and seat. I am now trying to replace/regenerate the desiccant (silicagel) in the drier tube in my 1989 Venture. Got to the part where owners manual (and manual for 1st gens) say to push on cap and remove circlip. WELL....what a chore. Pushed with all my might and finally got the circlip out. Thought man that must be one heck of a spring....but nothing happened after removing the circlip. I CAN NOT remove the cap. I even grabbed it with a plumbers pliers. I can wiggle it, can slightly turn it, but can't remove it. The whole canister and cap seem to be made out of aluminum. I wonder if this has never been changed and it is all corroded up inside? Any suggestions? Probably my next move is to soak the heck out of it with penetrating fluid or such. It will ruin the silicagel, but that can be replaced. Open to suggestions from this knowledgeable crowd.

  5. Thanks Gearhead. I also now have my battery cover etc all removed also in preparation for the wires arriving soon. It seems once I got started poking around....I couldn't stop until I had it all torn apart. I can easily see the two rear coils from the top. I also took a lot of the lower front fairing off, radiator cover, and a cover just under the headlight etc and I think I can manage to squeeze into those tough areas enough to replace the plug wires.


    My replacement truck light for the rear trunk reflector came in today. Not sure how I will wire it ie with running lights or just have them all come on with the brakes. Untill I decide there is no sense drilling a hole for the wiring. Maybe I will not install it at all and just resell it. Also plan on removing the 55w driving lights installed on the bike and replacing them with 35 or 20w ones. I want to be seen by cage riders more than I need bright lights for night riding. Will save some power, and hope to have enough for heated vest, extra rear light, and the trailer that come with the bike.

  6. Just had the same thing happen to me. Bike was on the center stand and I had it running a couple of times. Put it on the side stand, and voila' green fluid. Just finished taking all the lower fairings off and could find no leaks. I suspect that the drain plug is the culprit. Its a twisty thing that opens or closes with some sort of indent for a ball? It looks just slight damp. I had enough liquid on my garage floor to cover the bottom of a cup. Will now run it and see for sure where it is coming from. Lotsa luck finding yours.

  7. I have recently purchased a 1989 Venture and now have it home in my garage where I can crawl around in it. I have ordered and am waiting for the battery cable upgrade, and as well I ordered a new set of plug wires,caps and resistors. Being the curious type, I have removed the lower leg fairings, side covers and fuel tank cover, as well as rad cover and chin cover so I can see where everything is.


    Question#1. When I do the battery cable replacement, will I have enough room to also replace the plug wires? Or, will I have to remove more fairing etc once I remove battery box etc from the top?


    Question #2. While exploring, I found some oily, dirty areas. By removing the rubber covering for the clutch bleed screw, you can see down to it. From underneath, the wires and area directly above the sidestand switch appear to be quite grimey. Also, from underneath it seems to be above and maybe a little forward of the exhaust collection manifold. I have run the bike a few times in the garage and I see no oil on the floor. I think it is probably a small leak/seep that has been doing this for years...or maybe is more evident after a good run. I know most engines have a bit of area that collects oil and grime but I had to see it. Should I be concerned enough to start tearing this apart, or maybe this should be next winters project? Any ideas what it is and whats all involved?


    Thanks for replies, and I am sorry to get two different questions on one post.

  8. Just an update on the clutch resvoir question. My fluid level was down in the reservoir, and the previous owner again verified he had no problems with it. So, I added fluid. After a bit, I noticed fluid weeping out between the reservoir and the lid. Took it apart again, everything looks good. The only thing I noticed was that the rubber gasket/bladder tended to pull away from the back edge....and could cause a leak I suppose. So, can I get a replacement seal, or do I have to buy the whole clutch reservoir? Our local Yamaha dealer leaves a bit to besired. They are an implement dealer that took over the Yamaha franchise. Great for buying new bikes etc but not too knowledgeable regarding the 'older but better' bikes.

  9. Thanks for tips guys. I usually take things apart....only to hear something hit the floor. Oh @#$*, where did that come from? I will watch out for them. Hopefully the new plug wires and new battery cables (from here) will arrive at about the same time and I can do it all at once.

  10. Many thanks to Freebird and out telephone conversation the other day. I managed to find the wire set on ebay (that had been mentioned on this website in the past) and was able to order a set. Hopefully this will solve my 1989 miss on one cylinder as I probably fouled a plug and needed to change plugs. So, will change all wires and plugs and see what happens. Once again, thanks for all your help Freebird.

  11. Is there some sort of plastic/soft rubber cover available for the ventures?

    I noticed I have a small rock chip/hole in my new to me bike, and thought it might be cheaper to put one of those on than to replace the glass on the headlight. Does anyone have them and do they work....or just get cloudy and hard after a short while? Thanks.

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