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Joseph Zegura

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Personal Information

  • Name
    Joseph Zegura


  • Location
    Concord, CA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2009 Yamaha Royal Star Venture
  1. Owner of a 2009 Yamaha Royal Star Venture and my Engine light flashes on and off intermittently for a few seconds. Did a diagnostic code test at the Yamaha Dealership and there was no code that could not be read. Mechanic explained that there is a lot bad wiring (12 volts) underneath the seat that may be causing a low voltage to the Motorcycle computer thus effecting the intermittent flashing of the engine warning light. He also mentioned that my 2009 Royal Star Venture motorcycle has its own type of built in diagnostic test? I will have to spend about $500.00 for intensive labor down the road to clean up the wiring work. It cost me $62.50 for 30 minutes labor work but I think it was worth it assuring me that at least I won't break down on the road somewhere. The engine light is still continuing to flash intermittently but life goes on! Hope this helps someone out. Ride hard and ride safe!
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