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Posts posted by BurgyMon

  1. The weather was an isolated T-storm not of any magnitude as T-storms go. But, at the airport, there were several tents setup and a micro-burst collasped several of the tents slung chairs and tables around, etc. The freak tragedy was a five year old killed when an air-conditioning unit associated with one of the tents fell on him. The other injuries were minor. The wind was estimated in excess of 50 MPH.



  2. That was terrible. But when you're doing 300 MPH and things go wrong, your options aren't much. One announcer had made a statement he had retired twice, but loved it too much to stay out of it. It's a terrible tragedy.

  3. i went to a v-star 1300 and love it. wife does'nt. so now i have the v-star for short trips and around town and a new wing for the tough stuff. believe it or not we ride my majesty scooter around town most of the time. got 5500 miles on it in a little over a year, just to and from work and around town. at 55 mpg that adds up to alot of gas saved. :2133:


    I've put 21K miles in the last 18 months on a suzuki burgman scooter going to work..and around, now my wife has the bug and I'm circling like a buzzard in the summer waiting for the $'s and right deal to come together on a RSV.

  4. Hey ya'll up there in the Ohio area. There's a fella from Alabama headed up to Don's maintenance day following somebody with a GPS. But he's going to break formation and hang a left to make a visit in the Cleveland area. Since he's going to be without his "navigator", any of ya'll up there with connections with any LEO's, you might be looking out for a silver '05 RSV wandering around, he might need reeling in. I'm not going to name any names so as not to embarass anybody, but it rhymes with "HECK"!! :cool10:

  5. It's a good way to get your reading and typing (or should I say "keying") skills sharpened!!


    I got on there a few months ago and man, I was just trying to read!! Not to mention trying to type with all those messages whizzing by. They're all talking(keying) at once (typical hen party). It was kind of like trying to cross a four lane during rush hour and not get hit!! :cool10:

  6. i would move up to a vstar 1100, or a vstar 1300. reason being the 650, has spoked wheels and uses tube type tires, has a single front disc brake, and just not enough motor for highway riding. not a good choice for two up riding. i had an 1100 and now have a 1300. being an old fart with bad legs i had no problem with either of them. they both sit low and have great lowspeed handling. since you are used to a big bike i doubt if a 650 would cut it. another alternative would be a suzuki 650 burgman scooter. i have a 400 majesty and my wife and i ride it all over. i may go to a burgman when i can't handle my bikes anymore. bill



    If in this process of looking and deciding, and want to know more about the Burgman, drop me a line. I ride one to work everyday.

  7. Well, until folks start raising some hell to the elected officials and keep it up it is going to keep climbing. I keep hearing the media and other folks say, "we should be glad we're not in Europe or South America, its $6 or $7 a gal there". My answer to that is, "I don't live over there and don't give a rats a$$ about the price anywhere but here". To me it just a ploy to make us think we don't have it so bad and to keep quite.

  8. I have Progressive, I don't where their coverage extends. Don't really know how they compare - my (independent) agent just underwrote it with them. Seemed reasonable enough. Also I think GEICO writes motorcycle insurance - but then again, I don't know if they "cross" the border or not.

  9. Well I hope none of us just ride down the road oblivious of our surroundings, especially bikers, but just as Charles stated, "... we're all creatures of habit...", we do need reminded on a regular basis of how we're riding, what to look out for, etc.


    I have had thoughts of maybe incorporating into our Meet & Eats and any other "get togethers" we have, a safety program. Talk about these things, what if this, what if that, in order to keep mentally stimulated toward consistant safe driving habits.


    For me, this comes from being involved with a company for about 15 years that mandated attendance to 2 safety meetings each month. We did not see or learn so much "new" stuff but the repetitivenes of it over the years just establishes an attitude toward safety. I know what I'm talking about here is more about what "we" can do for ourselves in keeping safe and Charles' idea includes getting the message out to the 'other' drivers, which is in all probability the more difficult. Just my :2cents:'s worth.

  10. Yea, I was talking with a co-worker this morning about the sad state of affairs our country is in these days. We have kids that don't respect authority and other people's property. It's not "genetics", it is a choice that is made. You hear in the media all the time when somebody does something real bad or perverted - you hear, well they had a bad past, they were molested as a child, etc, etc. In other words, they're not accountable, it's not their fault, etc. All our choices have consequences, some good some bad. But now-a-days, no one wants to be held accountable. It is in the raising. We have two generations out there whose parents, for the most part (there's always exceptions), that did not disipline their children and look where we are - the proof's in the pudding.


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