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About audio_mekanik

  • Birthday 04/16/1984

Personal Information

  • Name
    Aaron Grimm


  • Location
    Williamsburg, IA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Motorcycles, dirty motorcycles, old motorcycles
  • Bike Year and Model
    1986 Venture Royale, 83 Venture
  1. I ended up getting a set of wires from ebay. Black ones, not too exciting. I sort of searched around, will the dyna ignition cdi/tci for the vmax work on the ventures for the appropriate year?
  2. So after a 4 month hiatus I finally got back to working on the Venture. I got around to adjusting the valves, as some were way out of spec. That is a pretty tedious process with not much room to work. Got all shimmed correctly, but kept getting different numbers on cylinder 1 intake. I would spin the motor and have WAAAY too much clearance, visible with naked eye. If i cranked it over with the starter (much quicker) then it would measure out correctly. It appears that the buckets were getting stuck open partially when turning by hand, but mast have been closing fast enough when cranking by starter to not get stuck. It appears I must have gotten over-zealous with the cam shim tool and mushed the aluminum. I used some sea-foam to try and de-gunk the buckets and clean the area best I could, short of pulling cams on the bike. I hooked up my pnuematic vacuum and hand-rasped the offending areas and clean thoroughly. They work fine now. stuck buckets that i boogered up: Getting back to the hesitation i was experiencing before. Still there. I still need to re-sync the carbs after the valve adjustment but runs great up till 3500 or about 60% throttle. Then falls on face. If I free-rev it is fine or if i get above 6500 or so it pulls hard, hard enough the clutch won't handle it now. So I am getting closer and closer to getting it to run right. Valve cover gaskets. I put on new cover gaskets, but keep getting a leak. Are there special tricks for getting them on leak-free? I do have new plug wires for it, but I don't believe this is the issue. As it will run fine except for certain rpm range. So to order a new ECU/ECM. I see some run an aftermarket unit. Are these easy to set-up. I don't have any experience with tuning a control module. Is there a plug and play version I can get somewhere?
  3. I just put new plugs in it. I will recheck gap when I finish valve clearances. Where would I get a set of wires from?
  4. I will do that while I have everything out of the way doing the valves. Thanks
  5. I will check the wires resistance as I did not do that. I have shims coming so need to button the valves up before getting back to the wires. Would the TCI from an 83 work? Also found a few more older threads http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?39263-XVZ1200-Acceleration-quot-lurches-quot and it has pretty good advice on where to look on connectors/other things. Thanks for the help. I will update when I get some things looked at.
  6. I am kind of a tool collector I just wanted an excuse for a new brake bleeder. I have been watching and reading quite a bit on the valve shims. I have done a xs1100 before. Different style of tool but similar valve buckets (might actually be same?) The wot stumble has me stumped. I started with good battery and related connections. Then cleaned carbs. Then on to ecu. Now valves. If that doesn't work then back to carbs with lots of new brass and rubber parts. If still no success them we will throw money at a tci. I still feel it is tci related. Is there a way to bench test the tci? I have some DC supplies and signal generators and a scope. Just much harder and slower to troubleshoot a module without a schematic.
  7. So what i have gotten done on the bike this week: read on the forum that the tci could be causing issues with the wide open throttle problem I have. I pulled the tci from the bike and the connectors were pretty corroded up. I pulled the tci apart to check for corrosion inside, there had been water in there at some point in time. There was also a broken solder connector inside, could have been from me flexing around on the connector to get it off. I do have the old glass diodes (red circles) with just a small amount of corrosion on those (red arrow) in my tci, but i don't have the parts to change them yet (ordered diodes and also electrolytic caps). I cleaned up all the corrosion I could, got the connectors all shiney. I put it back together for now. The connectors in the harness were not too corroded. Does anybody know where i can get the new spade terminals that slide into the connector on the wire harness? I would like to replace a couple that are getting corroded. I re-installed the tci, relocating it above the airbox. Bike still has the same wot hesitation/stumble. 2nd thing: I got the valve shim tool in the mail, pulled my covers and the first couple valves that I checked are WAY too tight. Measured .05mm for first two. So valve adjustment is coming in the near future (probably this weekend) I am not sure if this would affect the wide open throttle response but it is something that needs to get done. Found This spreadsheet from DINGY http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?43410-Valve-adjustment-Excel-spreadsheet looks very helpful 3rd thing: Installed the used R6 calipers on the front. Very easy swap. My hand vacuum brake bleeder took a crap so I am picking up a pnuematic powered brake bleeder tonight to bleed everything on the bike. 4th thing: So when you get frustrated on working on something and don't get results, you work on something that is easy to do. I installed a super-brace last night (thanks ebay). yeah only 4 bolts but did get something accomplished
  8. so I got the bike back together for a test ride last night: Started right up, got the carbsync on there and sync'd the carbs after it got totally warm (radiator fan turned on) Got a pretty reasonable sync and it sounded pretty good sitting in the garage revving/running. Took it out for a short jaunt and realized bike runs very well other than high rpm/wide open. spits and stumbles horrible. I have the pilot screws set @ 1 3/4, I have always set them for maximum idle but they did not seem to effect idle much if at all. I read a 5 year old thread HERE: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?61629-85-venture-dies-at-5200 and didn't get a very good conclusion from it, but sounds almost identical to my symptoms. I have seafoam in the tank already. It was getting pretty late so I did not fill bowls with seafoam for a soak. When i pulled the carbs to clean I did not replace the rubber plugs on the jet block as they seemed to fit very snug and well. Honestly the carbs were probably the "cleanest" dirty carbs I have gone thru. I assumed the stumble was form the diaphram holes as it acted like the slides were not moving correctly and I replaced those. I will check the slide movement tonight and make sure they are moving correctly. The thread also talks about the "boost switch". I have it hooked to the intake boot on carb#2, as that is where i pulled it off from, does that sound right? Also sounds like that will just hurt performance, not cause a stumble. I have had bikes run out of fuel at high rpm/load from pinched fuel lines but it does not feel like that. That old bike pulled strong and then started falling on face after ≈3-4 seconds full power. The Venture does not act like that. I did not verify float levels, as one of the carbs has the drain piece broken off. so my list to work on the stumble: 1. check operation of vacuum slides 2. check float height. (not sure how to with broken plastic hose adapter on drain?) (Spec on MkII bikes is 15.5-16.5mm) Another quick etiquette question: should i be uploading pictures on the site to show, or hosting them on external site and linking them to save server space?
  9. Got it installed last night and it reads out pressures correctly now, without E4 error. Not sure how loud the compressor is on these bikes but I never heard that kick on. Could be a separate issue too.
  10. I will find out tonight when I get it hooked up. It did have the E4 error, but if I pressed in on the back connector it would work.
  11. I just soldered up my CLASS broken solder joints, was pretty easy. I posted some pics here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?118001-Got-a-new-(new-to-me)-86-Royale&p=962475#post962475
  12. Got my CLASS soldered up today. I forgot to take before pictures but here are a few pics after soldering the connector. Here is a pic from the net, joint on the left is fine, joint on the right is broken: Here is the bottom of the CLASS This is the connector that had broken solder joints: here is a pic after resoldering (don't judge my soldering abilities )
  13. So the brake caliper thing. I took the rear caliper apart as it had a stuck piston in it. couldn't seem to get it un-stuck. I have a set of blue-dot r6 calipers coming for the front to replace a stuck piston on the front left. I figured out the front right caliper can be placed on the rear, just the bleeder is in the wrong position (could trap air) and caliper is slightly wider. I put that on there until i can get the old rear one fixed as it seems to be working fine. (main concern is extra width, when the pads get worn it might be possible for cups to be extended too far.) I need to flush the clutch system yet. Front/rear brake oil was very bad, had to run lots of clean thru before it got remotely clear. I am planning on replacing the front fork oil. I pulled the wiper and it appears to be pretty new and no oil/dirt underneath it so I feel the seals are in good shape. I will check the sag on the front for the springs. I did catch a thread on the coolant pipe so decided to take a glance at that. shoot, crack the length of the pipe from where the crash-bar hit it. So i guess question: Does the Vmax coolant elbow fit? kind of pricey but cool looking aluminum http://exactrep.com/acatalog/engine_enhancements.html ? or $45 oem? Some differences i noticed between 86 and the 83. I have not seen vented rotors quite like the ones on the 83 before. thought they were interesting looking and must of been quite expensive when new, showing the amount of effort Yamaha put into making these bikes.
  14. Got rear end regreased and fluid changed today. Went to put the back tire and couldn't get the axle in. Struggled with that for a bit before realizing that I should loosen the rear end as it could be out of alignment. Axle slid right in, oh duh moment. Thanks for the help. I will be coming from an 81 xs1100 midnight so riding the venture should be fantastic for my 100 mile commute.
  15. It is an old official Yamaha video. I believe it was sent to dealerships when the bikes were new to help the techs work on the bikes. That is why it had some merit in my mind. Parts are coming in the mail, kind of a waiting game at the moment.
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