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Posts posted by Mike6541

  1. Well, initially going through and searching out how to remove the gas tank to get to the radiator cap (these forums are pretty thorough when you search it out on 'bing' but not so when your actually in search on this site) I found photos on how to do such. With the replacement of the original radiator back onto the bike (that lower hose clamp is a pain to get back on and tightened!) and the tank removed, I found a couple of possible issues- at least they may be issues... Refilling the radiator (after taking photos of the potential issues, I found what looks like oil coming out of a plastic piece with what looks to be a foam filter of some sort sandwiched in between- only on the left side of the bike as you sit on it). I cleaned up what I could, replaced the tank, and started her up. She ran well, waited till the fan kicked on and then shut her down for a bit while I went in to change for a Little ride to see how she ran. All is well thus far with a one gallon pail under her while she cools. If there is more antifreeze, then I didn't do well enough. I did as suggested by other members and looked over the plugs under the fake cooling fins, no issues there.

    So, here comes the questions regarding the following (I hope) photos... As I was removing the fuel line from the fuel cock, I couldn't get the fuel line off without a little bit of tugging, and thus doing so, I pulled out the metal brass tube inside the fuel cock... Quickly realizing this may be an issue, I took a photo for later reference and replaced it, pushing it back into place, while removing the fuel line from the lever. Second issue was as described above with the oil...

    Any suggestions would be welcome. Sorry folks, tried to upload the photos and can't.

  2. Sorry all,

    newbie here to fixing up the RSV ('07)- been dealing with the antifreeze I'm finding as of late with removing the radiator to pressure test for leaks... only there is no leak in the radiator. Someone suggested the plugs behind the fake cooling fins, and well, I'm not sure what they are... :confused07: So if someone would be so kind as to post a photo of each, I'd be indebted. Second year of owning this RSV and new to its maintenance other than checking fluids, changing the oil, and basic tightening of the bolts when loosened.

    Thanks for your time!

  3. Mike, not able to send anything right now but in a couple months maybe. I hope things work out for you and yours with everything going on. I'm sending out a prayer for you for now, but I will be sure to send along something a bit later. Let us know how things are as well as if you need anything more.


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