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no Honda Hoot in 09

RSV Angel

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Honda Hoot 2009 Canceled Due to Economic Uncertainty



Torrance, CA: American Honda announced today that the 2008 Honda Hoot will bring to a close 15 years of what has been one of the most successful motorcycle rallies in history. Over the years, almost a quarter of a million guests attended the Honda Hoot which was born in the hills of Ashville North Carolina and eventually moved to Knoxville, Tennessee. At the first event, a little over 3000 attendees enjoyed what would grow to become one of the largest rallies in North America


The Hoot set new precedence for what a motorcycle rally should be, offering not only a wonderful opportunity to test ride new products but also focusing on family fun and growing the industry from the ground up. Based on the current economic crunch which may have significant impact on our customers during 2009, American Honda will take this time to seek out new and innovative ways to engage with our customers so that we can continue to ride together.


American Honda extends our deepest gratitude to the more than 1,300 volunteers who helped make the Honda Hoot a success and to all our event sponsors, to our two host cities, Knoxville, Tennessee and Asheville, North Carolina, and especially to all the good people who helped make the Hoot such a great event.






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Wow, that kind of amazes me. I think I understand the reasons behind that, but if anything, I would think they would still draw a nice crowd - maybe just not as big as in previous years. Also, with the number of people they seem to get, I am surprised that they couldn't have used that as leverage for the local folks - i.e. hotels, etc for better pricing (whatever it was). Seems like everyone comes out on the short end of this one.

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I put on an annual convention for a car club I run. We usually have 100 or more cars, and I am really worried about this year. A bad year at even this small of a convention can cost me personally $5000 or more.


ON a good year I run it to make a grand or two that we keep in the bank for bad years.


One bad year wiped out 3 good ones a couple years ago, and now we have no back up. If I don't get a LOT of early pre-paid registrations, I may have to cancel mine. I won't sign any contract that doesn't give me a no penalty way to cancel. At this point hotels aren't arguing about that, and THAT is a bad sign that they are already hurting for next summer.

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Now I am really bummed. Every year Knoxville is over run with bikes during the hoot and I haven't had a bike until this year. I was looking forward to it in '09 and now this. I'd still like to invite you all to come to Knoxville during that time.

We can think of something to do.


We could ask all of the ladies to wear something low cut and call it the Hooters Hoot.:)

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