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Posts posted by Pernese

  1. Both sets of splines in the rear end were well greased. Here's a strange update. As I said earlier, I had pulled the final drive after work to inspect it (it's my daily ride). After reassembly, I took it for a ride around the block. The gear jumping effect only reoccurred under full throttle acceleration and only at the upper rpms. The rear axle shaft on dissassembly seemed like it wasn't torqued very tight which is strange as I torqued it recently when I replaced the rear tire (and yes, it had a cotter pin through it). That doesn't make sense though as the splines between the final drive and the rear wheel are long and showed no signs of wear. Just the same, I will ride it gently until I can get a chance to pull the engine and split it.

  2. Bummer. I'm guessing all my hot dogging caused it to finally rear it's ugly little head. I'm kinda hoping that if I ride easy, I might make it until winter. Would a V-Max transmission have the same problem? I had considered putting one in even before this problem cropped up. My plans were to strip it to the frame this winter and correct any and all problems that I found as well as give it a new paint job.

  3. I have just recently begun to experience a jump or pop from the drivetrain under moderately heavy acceleration. I first thought it was coming from the rear end as I have had it happen in both first and second gear. Nothing is whining or grinding. I pulled the final drive apart after work and no problems there. I am now beginning to suspect the middle gears may be jumping a tooth under acceleration, but from everything that I have read so far they rarely have problems. I am open to any suggestions.

  4. I purchased mine used with a bridgestone radial on the front and a kenda bias on the rear. I experienced no handling problems even in high speed, peg dragging corners. I have since replaced the rear with an avon venom which is also a bias ply and again have yet to experience any problems, though the venom is a bit stickier.

  5. Just before I bought the bike the po had replaced both tires. He put a Kenda Kruz on the back and a Bridgestone Battlax on the front (I have since discovered that the Battlax is a rear use tire only and a radial to boot). The Kenda lasted 6000for miles in this heat and separated in the tread. I honestly think my peg scraping and drag racing from lights didn't help. The Kenda did a great job in all weather and stuck well on launches. I've since replaced it with an Avon Venom. I have to admit this one sticks even better in corners and wet roads than the Kenda. I'll be switching the front tire to the Venom soon.

  6. BBQ sounds great and I know Lamberts has good food. It's only ten minutes from the house. As a side note, I have a gravel driveway, a cluttered one car garage, and no towing capabilities, but I do have a six fiit tool box and 20+ years of mechanical experience should anyone find themselves in a mechanical jam. Feel free to call 417-893-1917 if in need of roadside assistance while in the area. Barring any unforeseen problems I'll see y'all in a few weeks.



  7. If I may steal this thread...anyone out there have Kenda Kruz on a 1st Gen? I had them on my Virago and felt the same way as Stache so I bought a set for the Venture.

    I have a Kenda Kruz on the back of my 1st gen (85). PO had it installed about 100 miles before I bought the bike. I don't baby my ride but I've never smoked the rear tire either. Felt a little loose around right hand curves recently so I checked the rear end. Kenda Kruz had seperated in the tread with slighty more than 6000 miles on it. Never did like the tread pattern. Had a light howl in corners due to uneven tread blocks.

  8. Being a fellow rider from the great state of Miser y...uh, Missouri...I can truly say that I am surprised that the folks responsible for your rearin didn't teach you better manners.

    As a fellow trial member I can vouch for the value of the site. I have found more information, both technical and wise advise from other venture riders. I have saved hundreds of dollars in repair cost due to these fine folks knowledge that they so freely share. And I have saved all this money without being required to pay dues first.

    I will be paying my dues before my trial membership expires. I am looking forward to meeting and thanking all these folk as time permits. Most of the posts that I have read from the members leads me to believe that they are all stark raving mad loonies. My kind of people.:mustache:



    The short version? Pipe down, crank up the jams, kick back, and enjoy the ride. Quitcherbellyachin. You're not the lead dog anyway.

  9. I can't answer for the RSV as I have an 85 VR but mine also has the junction where all five cables (upper pull and return, lower pull and return, and cruise). I recently had to pull the junction apart to replace an upper cable. It was an outer two piece shell held together with two screws and nuts. There were two other screws that held cable retainers in place inside. BEWARE of the coiled return spring which came zipping out as I seperated the two halves (and caused a few colorful words as I tried to reassemble it). Other than the spring, it was relatively simple. Good luck and enjoy.

  10. I was born and raised just a couple miles south of the Detroit city limits, an area we referred to as downriver. I spent the first 19 years of my life there including the 60's and 70's. As a teenager, it wasn't safe to go downtown after dark. Even during the day there were certain neighborhoods that you knew better than to venture into. You might not make it out. I moved back for a couple years back in the 90's, partly out of nostalgia. Nothing had improved. That's why I now live in southern Missouri where life is as it should be, calm and peaceful (except for the occasional tornado).

  11. Thanks y'all for the warm welcome! Dano, if you came on a weekend I was out riding though I would have enjoyed the meet. I've only had it for a little more than a month and have put almost 2500to miles on it. Weekend after next I'll ride it to Baton Rouge.

    I had a 1stdate gen back in the late 80's1890 that had considerably more power. I goosed it hard in second and it pointed the front tire at the noonday sun. The patrolman didnt find that humorous. This one runs pretty good but something is lacking. I'll find it one step at a time.:Venture:

  12. I'm a new member but have been reading your posts for the last few weeks since I bought my new-to-me 1st gen. It came with a myriad of small problems, most of which have been corrected using tech info that you fine folk have posted. Many of these posts came with detailed step by step instructions and pictures to boot. As a career mechanic, I have seen repair manuals with far less information. So hats off to y'all for such a great website. Looking forward to the day when I can meet up with some of you folk. Thanks again!:thumbsup:

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