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Posts posted by besttec

  1. I concur with the posts on tires. I was having wobble that was getting really scary and figured I had to work on the front end for sure. I did some rudimentary checks and things didn't seem out of wack. I knew I needed the front tire so I replaced it. Things got better, but still had some issue with instability. A buddy added that a bad rear tire can also make it seem like a front end problem... so I finally had a chance to get that replaced... and voila... problem solved. Then after about 200 miles my rear tire got "screwed"... literally. I ended up having to replace my new elite with a 404 to make a ride... but still being a fresh tire I have had no problems. Ran about 400 miles for the Texas Honor Ride, about half in light to medium rain... and had no issues. I do miss the opportunity to ride on that elite though...


    Please post how you made out on your attempts to fix your problem. I personally am having a rear suspension problem with bottoming and bouncing... So I am scrutinizing posts dealing with that issue now.


    Ride safe!

  2. Hey... I saw this and while I now live in Texas and don't have to put my bike up for storage, I thought some of my boat tips might be of help. First, my sheriff's deputy friend said don't use wd 40 trying to prevent rust. He says the residue it leaves actually attracts moisture and rust ensues. I found that hard to believe but it sure did explain a lot of problems I had with rust on items I had coated with WD 40. It may loosen rust, but maybe it doesn't prevent it. He said... "NEVER use it on your gun for storage". Interested in comments... I suggest the RED Corrosion X product... subject to others' input. I used to spray my boat engine after wash-down with "Salt-away" and have always had good results. Green Corrosion "X" is real gooey


    Also... I used Stabil (now the stuff for ethanol) for gas preservation... although I do run Seafoam in my gas on the bike fairly regularly. I used Spray Seafoam to "FOG" the boat motor and "decarb" it. Seems that would be appropriate for the bike too. A well known area mechanic has said publicly that "decarbing" a car engine with the Seafoam would be very good and not hurt the cat converter... or sensors... so how about some comments from others? Otherwise, I would run the carbs out of gas... but if you have ethanol in your fuel... be sure to use the appropriate stabilizer... or go out of your way if you can find gas without ethanol in it. The ethanol attracts moisture and apparently separates from the fuel if not treated.


    Hope someone can corroborate this... don't want to mislead anyone. Like I said, I don't have to "store" my bike in winter any more! WOO HOO!!!


    I've been busy and off the site for quite awhile... just renewed so hope to catch up quickly. Howdy all!

  3. My van came with Michellin tires and I was glad when they wore out. They didn't handle very well and were terrible on wet roads. I read everything on Tire Rack and settled on Bridgestone AT/Revo's over the newest high performance Goodyear Fortera (not the pep boys futura). This was about 8 or 9 yrs ago and the Revo's were the best handling tires I ever had on a truck/van. Well, with all the new sizing on tires, I can't get them any more... :( Anyhow... I was looking for a great wet road handling tire to pull 7400-8400 lbs of boat up a wet ramp with only two wheel drive (posi). Never tried with the Mich's, but I think I would have had trouble with the oems.


    So... I would research Tire Rack and others and try to get a feel for the best tires for the parameters you are concerned with. Then start approaching dealers for best prices and also check Sam's. Sam's can order many tires they don't regularly stock. My dad retired from Goodyear/Dunlop and I had employee discounts available to me... but used that as a basis to negotiate price on the brands I wanted.


    Certain Goodrich tires have rated very high in several tests, but I have never tried them for my application. I use Goodyear tires on my Camry and am happy with handling and wet road performance, but not happy with noise or tire wear.


    Now... in our area Ford is marketing their tires and prices. I bought my set of Goodyears from them. They ordered them and gave me a very good price at the time. Ford seems to be aggressively going after tire sales... and could be very good to check. A local radio guy always referred to the "fleet" manager and he did a find job for me... except the installer didn't get the wheel weights in the right places and were knocked off when I drove off the lot. Man... you just gotta hold everyone's hands these days to make sure they do their job right! I went right back but didn't have time to stay and get them to fix it all. Too many trips to get this done right... haven't gone back, but got matching replacement tires ordered through Sam's. Many places have increased their installation fees/balancing/road hazard costs way high. Comparatively, even though they have raised their costs, Sam's was lower cost for those fees than most. Once I know what I want, I'd call Ford and then check with Sam's.


    Buenos Suerte!!!



  4. You wear what you want, Ipersonnaly spent 20yr defending our constitution and its part of your right my friend.


    And thank you sir, for your service.


    I think, having read all the posts... I would ask if anyone else present would like to be a part of a riding group that exemplifies the values of this country and not those of the KKK. Ask any who say yes to take wheel their bikes forward, climb on, and join you for a new ride.


    There're so many ways to be connected with people today, you don't really need a formal club. Get a nucleus and then start a twitter account, etc., and tweet, chirp, burp, fart, or whatever and get yourself buds to ride with. :rotf:

  5. Totally bogus, .... as long as the group rides for a good purpose and they are not a bunch of idiots, I'll ride with them. If they are evil or don't want I will ride on on my own . . .


    I agree with this statement by "dacheedah"... I will ride where I can and with whom I can... but I won't ride with someone that has that much ego to tell me I have to wear something in particular if that is not a part of a well understood club requirement. Of course, I don't have a "club" patch on my "kit" anywhere... but I do wear patches that have meaning to me and convey what message I wish to convey. The only "colors" I wear on my jacket or vest promote riding, patriotism, THE USA... and JESUS CHRIST. If that offends someone, then they sure don't want me riding with them at all! Fortunately I ride with a patriotic bunch of "Free Riders"... but I probably wouldn't wear one club's patch on another club's event just out of respect. Not allowing a VENTURERIDERS.ORG patch??? Well that's just STUPID in most cases. And we all now what F. Gump says about that! I guess you need to find out the "heart" of a group when or before you join it. Most people want to "hang" with "like minded" people...


    I had intended to seek out a "STAR" group... but now am not so sure! :(

  6. Had mine done over the holidays last December. The seat is a vast improvement... and the time spent there was worth a trip from Houston. My wife loved her seat being done too. I was blessed to be going to Dallas for the Holidays and to coordinate the time for the mod. Also check the "BAG BOLTS" and other items you will appreciate.

  7. I want to get me some pipes for my RSTD (slip ons) but I don't want nothing loud like drag pipes or some high pitched sound,I'm looking something that is just a little louder than stock.I want some pipes that have a good deep throaty sound but not to loud when I'm going down the road so they don't get on my nerves when I'm on a long trip.From what I read I don't think I would want Barons,so any feed back would be great!! Thanks:confused24:


    I have the baron with the slash cut tips. They are loud enough for others to notice while riding, more so when accelerating... but not nearly as loud as my friend's Fat Boy... I decided I didn't like following her. Too obnoxious to follow. My bike has a comforting amount of noise when riding... nice to know when I accelerate that other drivers would hear me. Otherwise, I can still hear my radio with my half helmet or full helmet without face shield. I can hear radio and intercom just fine with my modular helmet and shield using my head set...


    Good luck...

  8. Yesterday one of my co-workers was packing to leave earlier than usual.. and I asked what was up. She said one of her monitors went out... quit working. I said "did you bump the power switch?" (which is very prominently positioned on the lower corner of the flat panel monitors). She promptly said "No"... then sheepishly "yes"... :) Ya gots to pay that atenshun! ;-)


    Actually, my problem with the RSMV audio system is setting the radio stations and presets... the manual doesn't seem clear at all... and when I figure it out it only takes a week of not using the procedure to wipe it from my brain. :( I figured it out again after the power was interrupted... and it has been about a week... so I am not sure if I still remembrer the procedure or not!!! ;-)


    Your problem was fixed with what I was going to suggest! Congrats!

  9. WOW! Sorry to hear about your recent "adventure". I just had time tonight to get on the site and see what's going on... am lifting up prayers for you even now! I lost my Sunday School Teacher and riding buddy in a MCY accident almost two weeks ago... she was riding with her adult daughter on back and somehow lost control. Daughter busted up, but mom was killed... :( Great friend/teacher of the word/riding buddy...


    Larry... I'll need to contact you for something soon... Rest up and take it easy. I busted my collar bone back in '79 when an retired college professor turned in front of me... no fun. All of the injuries involved 3 different hospitals and 3 weeks... and a couple surgeries. I feel for you brother!




    Bill G

  10. You drop an RSV and can't pick it up-------------you ask for help, no problem. Never seen the day there is not someone more than happy to help. Have never not been able to pick one up yet, BUT last time I did pick up a touring machine I wish I'd asker for help the next morning. My back was wiped out or a couple of weeks. :crying:


    I'm sure this has been discussed elsewhere... so I will only mention this for the benefit of someone that may stumble on this thread that isn't aware of the proper technique to pick up a big machine... SilverT was right in response to this... use your legs... not your back. I have had back surgery and when I saw a demo on the proper technique, it really registered in my memory. Basically you do what you can to get the machine on a level perch... put the kick stand down if that side faces up... make sure the tires won't slip around on loose "scree" as you lift and make sure the bike is in a lower gear so the wheels won't turn much as you lift... then back up to the seat squatting down... grab your bike with the closest hand to the front... to the front... the closest hand to the back... to the back... and pivot the bike up on it's tires using your legs and pressure against the seat as you face away from the machine. When you are almost upright, lower the kick stand if it is now on your side and set it back on it. If you are in an uneven place, you should be able to turn around and straddle the machine and climb on to get it in a place to set the stand. If the stand was on the opposite side, you can now also get it to settle in place. I have a grab handle on my RSMV that is a good place to grab for lifting... and a handle bar for the other end...should suffice. I'm sure there has to be a better explanation of this procedure on this site..., so do some research if you are not sure what I am saying and have never learned this technique.


    Also... watch out for those 4 legged obstacles... my brother ate a deer for breakfast on his way to work a couple weeks ago... he is recovering ok... but the bike was a total loss. Heck of a way to get a new bike.... :(


    Blessings, ALL!

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