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Posts posted by hillrider

  1. In our defense, let's keep in mind that Atlanta has no (zip-zero-nada) flat, straight roads. All roads are either uphill or down hill, and most turns are off camber. But -- we also have a lot of drivers who don't know to keep their brake rotors turned and to bleed tire pressure when it gets slick.



    Usually i am happy to stay in my little corner but - The brakes-- dont care about the warping so much as the glazing. Don't want one tire not trying as hard as the rest to stop the car.

    The tire pressure - most cars run all season tires down here that have the rain sipes running with the direction of travel. With lower pressure as the tire contacts the ground, the sipes close up just a little and grip the snow a little better (doesn't count on ice). Or that is how is was explained to me by someone I thought knew more that me (most people know more than I do).

  2. Study: Sex makes people smarter

    9:40 am January 15, 2014, by George Mathis


    When asked how they got so smart, Mickey and Minnie refused comment.


    The juvenile phrase “Don’t be dumb, get you some” is, almost unbelievably, scientifically valid.


    The Atlantic reports researchers in Maryland and South Korea have concluded “sexual activity in mice and rats improves mental performance and increases” the production of brain cells.


    Maryland researchers found middle-aged rats that had sex had improved cognitive function and better memory (and likely memories) than rats that did not have sex.


    Korean scientists in a separate study had similar findings, saying “sexual activity counteracts the memory-robbing effects of chronic stress in mice.”


    I’ve never been a lab rat, but I imagine that is a stressful job.


    Being smart does not mean you will have more sex, The Atlantic reports as though someone actually thinks that is how life works.


    Studies have concluded intelligent people have less sex when young, but at an advanced age, “cognitive abilities affect one’s chances of getting lucky.”


    An interesting statistic: 32 percent of the elderly with mild cognitive impairment reported having sex recently, about half the rate of the mentally unimpaired.


    Sadly, one cannot get smarter simply by visiting a Nevada bunny ranch.


    Tracey J. Shors, a psychologist at the Center for Collaborative Neuroscience at Rutgers University, says it also takes something called “successful learning” to retain extra brain cells.


    “You can make new cells with exercise, Prozac and sex,” she said. “If you do mental training, you’ll keep alive more cells that you produced. And if you do both, now you have the best of both worlds—you’re making more cells and keeping more alive.”


    Oh well, at least the next time my wife tells me I’ve done something stupid I can suggest a quick solution.

  3. Kold, I can't even spell he word and they're calling for 7 - - 7 degrees down here. Haven't seen that number for 30 years. I going out tomorrow and get a loaf of bread and a gallon of milk. And my wife works a grocery store, drives a jeep and is sending me out for the supplies.

  4. Handicapped plates on a bike always scare me. . . .


    Long ago we went to a bike nite at the local Sonic where we saw a little old couple with matching "Harley" t-shirts and matching plaid shorts walk across the parking lot, get on their matching sporters (with matching "handicapped" plates) and ride away.


    Hope I never match my wife that much.

  5. I think if I didn't live in North Georgia, Beaufort would be my next choice. Got lost there not too long ago (on the SE side). Those are some beautiful old homes. Kinda close together with no storage for my bikes, but I'm thinking those folks don't ride much anymore anyway.

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