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Posts posted by Grandpa

  1. I bought a little bitty 250 pound 12 volt compressor from ACE hardware for $5. Then I took the cigarette lighter plug off of it and put battery clamps on it. Unfortuantely I've used it several times.


    No worries about blowing fuses. Thing is small, cheap and does the job.

  2. I got the idea from this web site. I use a switch plate. Attached a piece of string to it so that when I get on the bike, I can pull the thing up to me by the string. Small, works really well.

  3. I wear earplugs anytime that I'm going to be on the bike for more than an hour or anytime that I'm on the interstate. The foam earplugs work great. As somebody said, roll them up, stick them in & hold them until they expand. Last year at Sturgis, my son bought me a pair of those custom molded silicone earplugs. They really quiet things down but I still prefer the foam plugs.


    Wearing plugs makes the ride easier and much more enjoyable.

  4. I had second gear repaired on my '85 last year at about the 50K mile mark. I never realized how much I missed second gear until I got it back.


    The question for me concerning whether to repair it or not was: could I replace my bike for the cost of having it repaired. I don't think that I could have.


    Anyway, it's fixed. The bike runs great. Now. . . if I can get the tape player fixed and the water leak fixed and the . . .



  5. ARe the RedWings waterproof? I hate getting wet feet in the rain. Treated my current boots with stuff from Cabela's and it didn't make a difference.


    Mink oil. Put the stuff on once or twice per season and my feet stay dry even during the all day long rainy :rain2: interstate rides.

  6. Quitting smoking was the hardest thing that I have ever done in my life.


    I finally quit by realizing that tobacco had me licked. I couldn't have "one" or else the whole train would start again.


    I've been tobacco free for 15 years. Greatest thing I ever did. It sure seems dumb to pay big bucks for a thing that will kill you and then. . . set the damned thing on fire and suck on it.


    Other people can smoke if they want to. Just don't exhale when you anywhere around me!

  7. For me, it's not so much the distance as it is the saddle time that is the killer. I rode a little over 650 in one day without problems. That was great. But on the way back, my son's fiance' wasn't so glad to be riding a motorcycle. We had to stop every hour or so and talk her into getting back on the bike. Took us over 14 hours to go 500 miles. Ohhhhh my achin' back.

  8. They work sometimes. Sometimes they don't. On the ride to Sturgis, they worked all the way there and all the way back until the last 50 miles. Yesterday they worked on the way to the club then didn't work on the way back.


    Hazard flashers work.


    When the turn signals don't work, none of the turn signal lights come on.


    I hate intermittent electrical problems. They are a b**** to track down. Anybody ever run into this before? Any ideas? I've practically taken the bike apart and put it back together again looking for a solution.



  9. Thanks folks for all the input. I ended up unpluging the self canceling unit (once I finally found the darn thing) and now they work fine.:)




    I'm confused about where the self canceling unit is and since my turn signals quit working last night, I'm anxious to try this solution. (The fuse is good.)


    Is it on the left or right? Is it beneath the radios or do I have to open up the front of the bike?


    Does anyone have a drawing or picture?



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