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Posts posted by ArticusMedicus

  1. Do you need a front tire for your Trike?


    I have a tire in the classifieds that I just took off of my bike.

    It's a Dunlop E3 MU90B-16. It is a rear tire that they had mounted in reverse so it would last a long time.

    The ONLY reason I took it off is that the bike seemed to wander on the road.

    Squidly took it for a ride and said that it was the tire causing the issue and he was right. As soon as I put on a front tire, it stopped.


    But with a trike you would not have this issue and you would not need to change the tire for a long long time.


    I would say it is in 95% or better condition.


    Pay pal will be payed right to Squidly as I owe him the money. And we will work out the shipping cost because I don't know what it will be yet.






  2. OK the search function did a good job at getting me frustrated!!:bang head:


    Can someone point me to a link on how to modify the headlight to take the SilverStar type bulb?


    I almost died Saturday night on the way home from work.... My headlight did not light up the flat black car that was broke down and sitting in the middle of the slow lane on the freeway.

    After I got my breathing under control and stopped shaking, I set out two flares and called the police to come move it... and move it they did... It was stolen over two years ago :doh:


    Anywho... I need more light!!!!:bang head:

  3. Also helps taller folks. When we sit back on our bikes for long rides, our shoulders are farther from the bars, therefore, we pitch our shoulders forward to get a good grip. The riser extensions move the bars back and make for better posture and more comfort.


    My daughter bought me a set for fathers day!:thumbsup2:

  4. Regular 87 in my 04 :happy34: I tried a 18 year old McAllen Scotch once.... But the bike didn't like it and fell over stone drunk and got horrible mileage. :doh: Damn lightweights!:whistling:

  5. Well, the knee is royally screwed up. BUT I got back on the scooter and have been riding.

    Over the past few days I have been out and running around... allot! Making up for lost time.


    I have spotted a ton of RSVs in the area. Even spotted who I believe to be Big Mike on his MM over by Rocky's ( the locals will know what that is)


    But I'm back on two wheels and not thinking of Trikes anymore. (well, that Exile Trike still calls to me):happy65: but you should see the limp.... It is something to behold.:doh:

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