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Posts posted by JohnnyB

  1. I agree with you 100 %

    Well, I know (or at least figgure) I'll get a lot of flack from what I have to say but here goes....


    I do not see this (VR.org) as a "club" but rather, a group of folks who've joined into an on-line forum because of a few commonalities. We ride a motorcycle and moreover, we ride a Venture. We have various "get-togethers" and rallys but as yet, we are not a "club" as other clubs go. The minute it becomes a club, with "rules and regulations", etc, etc... that will be the day I depart.


    As for the drinking and riding... I do admit, I will allow myself a max of 2 beers and frankly, if anyone isn't happy with that, they can choose to not ride with me. If, because of the 2 beers, they don't want me riding in their "group", so be it... I am just as happy to ride alone and I'll see ya all at the next stop...or not.


    I ride a great deal with groups (mixed bikes) with Coast Riders. I have noticed several riders who will have a beer (just one) at lunch time. There are a couple who will have more than one.


    I am thinking of suggesting that the Club adopt a strict "No alcohol while riding" policy.


    I am certainly not against drinking in the afternoon/evening when finished riding for the day. Also, I know we are all adults, and should be able to decide for ourselves whether or not a single beer would affect riding judgment. My concern is that somebody might drink more than they should. A pint of a stronger beer, is quite different from a can of American beer (sorry, couldn't resist). Also to be considered is the health, age, body size and several other factors that would affect the way a rider reacts to that "one drink".


    People can make their own decisions if they are riding on their own. But it seems to me that there is a greater risk when riding at some speed in a group, and when there is only one second between you and two other bikes. Yes, staggered formation... but that stagger doesn't make much difference when something happens quickly.


    Any of you belong to a Club with such a policy? Any thoughts or suggestions?


    Cheers! :think:

  2. I had a problem with my Gerbing gloves . The liners would pull inside out when I take my hands out. I was told to carry a chop stick to push them back in, or get some silk liners to put inside the liners so there is not as much friction,also if you get caught in the rain they absorb water like a sponge. I would not buy another pair of Gerbings.

  3. We got a Garmin Nuvi for xmas and haven't ever used it. We are going to Banff on bike this summer and just tried to put in an address that we are staying at up there.


    Does this thing not have Canadian maps?

    I have a Magellan and it comes with maps for the all the USA States-Canada& Puerto Rico. I thought all the GPS units came loaded. Thank you for the info I will stick with Magellan in the future. :thumbsup2:

  4. I don't believe in them, to many times they cause drivers mostly young drivers to do some unpredictable weird stuff. Drives me crazy when there's one behind me :2cents: Just being honest[/quote


    Before 1990 most cars did not have there headlights on in the daytime Here in Canada. Since then All New Vehicles are wired so you cannot drive without the headlights on. It is a safety thing.

    Now that all vehicles have headlights on, drivers are not aware of a motorcycle because there are so many lights out there.

    Now comes the new age, flashing lights. You notice them. If they are driving you crazy they are working. That is what they are meant to do. That is why police,fire,any emergence vehicle has flashing lights.

    In the last couple of months I have been cut of 3 times whilst driving my car. All by middle age people.

    Please do not be offended by this.

    I have them on my bike and would not drive without them.

    Johnny :thumbsup2:

  5. This actually happened a week ago... I had just left work and in a rush to get home so I was pushing a little. The right lane was slow so I jumped in the left lane and was doing ok until this young girl in front of me puts on her right turn signal and suddenly starts slowing down until she is stopped waiting for cars in the right lane to pass. When she finally gets over I blow past her and look over to see her looking at me with a 'what did I do wrong' look on her face. THAT'S when I realized that me on the Venture with my black half helmet and black leather jacket and flashing headlight must have looked like a cop in her young mind and she thought I was pulling her over. (Yes, I did laugh) I've noticed others looking close or slowing down when I get behind them.

    Has anyone else had someone pull over for you?[/quote


  6. I saw the movie last month and it was great. My wife and I rode from Vancouver BC to St John's NF and back last summer and a lot of the sights along the way were just like in the movie.

    Go for it.

    All the best.



    If you make it to BC you have a place to stay, we live close to Vancouver.


    I am a cancer survivor

  7. I have one that I ordered from the Yamaha Dealer. It is a running and brake light. In the daytime it is hard to see, the LED's are not very bright.

    I mounted another light bar below the trunk sold by Diamond R Accessories and it is 10X brighter and less than half the price. They are good people to deal with.


    817-925-4901 Allen & Patti (they really look after you)


    Johnny :banana:

  8. I lowered the front and back at the same time. Then I took the bike to a welder and had him cut 1" out of the stand. After about a few days I realised it was not enough so I took the bike back and he cut another 1" (2"altogether) out of the stand. I sat on the bike and he took a grinding tool and cut the section out., it took about 3min. Then he welded the shortened end back on the bike while I sat on it as there was no stand to hold int. Total time about 30 min. After that I went to a leather shop and they made a sleave with a couple of snaps on it. It looks great.

    I would go 2" at the least. If I was to do it again I would go 2.5". Some times when I am parked on a sloap it is a bit iffy with 2".

    Hope this helps,

    Johnny :Cartoon_397:

  9. I have the Yamaha MP3 when it is pluged into the player you cannot close the door. Is there a problem with leaving it open?

    I am still working on how to get sound to my headset ( the intercome ) I will work it out.

    Johnny :confused07:

  10. I bought a new 2008 RSV last Aug. after 5 weeks I had a lowering kit put on and while the dealer was @ it he checked the drive shaft splines. They were worn out. He orderd new parts and installed them @ Yamaha's expence.

    I think Yamaha has poor quality control.

    This should be told to as many riders as possible, so maybe the word will get out to Yamaha and the will be forced to improve.

    I would recomend every one have there drive shaft splines checked if they have not had it done.

    Johnny :thumbdown:

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