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Princess M

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Posts posted by Princess M

  1. Well, I saw this post way too late. I don't come to the site very often anymore. You guys drove right past my office on Hwy 395 on your way to hwy 88. Sure would have loved to meet up with you two. I hope you had a great trip.

  2. Good luck, Don. Hang in there. I'm lucky that I don't know what you're going through, but I've heard it's very hard. I had a boss tell me, "Quitting is easy, I did it several times a year. Not starting again was the hard part."


    I guess watching what smoking did to my loved ones made me not smoke. My aunt is on full time O2 and can't do much and when I was 11 years old I watch her husband die a horrible death from lung cancer.


    So good luck, again. Prayers going out to give you strength. Here's to you and a heatlthy, nonsmoking future.

  3. Dogs are like bikes.Once you have one, you feel lost without one. Or 2 or



    I know what you mean. We have a 10 year old Golden Retriever, a 5 year old Lab mix and now the chocolate Lab puppy. Then ther are the two cats.


    We do a lot of scooping around here. And for you DQ/ ice cream fanatics around here, just forget about coming here...you won't like what we're scooping:big-grin-emoticon:

  4. Nice puppy. He looks a lot like our. I posted a picture when we first got him



    His Dad is a choclate lab and his mom is a "silver" lab. There is some controversy over where these "silver" labs are getting their silvery tint. Some say someone slipped a Weimaraner in the mix, others say it genetics. I don't care. He's a good dog. And if he does have some Weimaraner too, it sounds like it's a good mix with the Lab.

  5. I'm sorry sorry to hear all you bad news. It's bad enough just dealing with that but to have to deal with it around the holidays and on a dream vacation just makes it even worse. That really sucks. I guess you could hope that all your bad luck came at once and you won't be due anymore for the rest of the year. Prayers going out for you and your family and friends.

  6. We have a cat we got two Christmas's ago. Her name is Holli. For Christmas holly then we tell people that her middle name is Day. Get it........Holi Day.....I know dumb. But that's her name. I do like the name of Holly for your little sweet girl.


    Here is the picture of our Christmas boy. His name is Benelli. He was named after a shotgun since he is going to retrieve ducks when he gets bigger.




  7. Good looking dog. Also like the way you named him after a shotgun. Nice touch. Now if you could just teach Tom to fetch, roll-over and play dead you would have it made. :banana: :banana: :rotfl: :rotfl:


    Thanks. I also wonder if you are the only one that connected his name to the shotgun.


    As far as Tom (I love this man):


    Fetch: he will get me something if I ask.

    Roll over: when he snores.

    Play dead: sleeps in front of the tv.


    I guess I do have it made.:banana:

  8. Actually his name is Benelli. He will be DkKnight's hunting partner hopefully by next duck hunting season. Tom was retrieving his own ducks. One time he was hunting with a friend who has a Lab and Tom was out of the blind to retrieve the duck as fast as the dog. So they started calling him "Milkbone". Hopefully Benelli will be a great retriever and Tom won't have to be "Milkbone" anymore.



  9. Yep, now I know why.


    What others need to know when they ride with you:


    1) Never let you lead, you'll get everyone lost.

    2) Don't worry about ever needing to find you a bathroom...you'll make your own. (A few people have pictures to prove it.)

    3) Make sure you don't leave a gas stop without your credit card

    4) Make sure there is coffee or stops planned for coffee


    But most of all people need to know that riding with you is one heck of a good time.

  10. Geez, Steve! Old age setting in? Maybe we need to find you a care taker. You know someone that can guide the way for you so you don't get lost, wipe the drool from your chin, etc.......:moon: I hope you had a nice ride anyways.

  11. I had a male cocker spainel years ago and my roommate had a female doberman in heat. Dumb cocker tried very hard to "reach". He finally gave up and just went for her face and held on.

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