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Trial Member
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Posts posted by Tim71

  1. I get several emails per day from newer members/trial members asking why they are suddenly unable to search forums, download attachments and various other things. You get a message that says something like "you do not have permissions" to perform certain tasks.


    Pretty much 100% of the time it is because your trial membership or your supporting membership has expired. I then often get an email back stating something like "thank you but I didn't realize that it was a trial membership".


    This post is meant to be informative, NOT scolding. When you go to the home page of VentureRider.org and read the introduction, it clearly states that you are signing up for a free 60 day trial. When you get your welcome email, it also welcomes you to your free 60 day trial.


    I am not trying to trick anybody here. I try to make it very clear that the free membership is indeed for a 60 day trial. I also state that upon completion of the free trial or sooner if you like what you find here, full membership is only $12.00 per year. Folks that is $1.00 per month and I think affordable for most anybody. I hope so. As cheap as it is, if you truly have some serious financial issues just send me a message. I have given a free years to several people who were truly having problems.


    Now let me say that almost everybody is OK with the answer once they learn that their trial membership has simply expired. I've only had one person ever who got upset about it. He was from somewhere in California and said that he was a retired cop and he knew a thing or two about "bait and switch" scams and that he was never told that it was only a free trial. I'm sorry people, but if a retired cop missed ALL the notifications that the free membership was only a 60 day trial then I'm guessing that he wasn't a detective.


    So like I said, this post is not meant to scold anybody, well except maybe that retired cop if he even checks things out still, but just an explanation to those of you who might have missed the terms.


    It is easy to become a supporting member. Just click on "Membership" in the menu bar at the top of the page.






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